VII. Selected Online Sources
- Berkeley War Crimes Center
- COE - Transnational Criminal Justice
- Domestic Case Law on International Crimes (DomCLIC)
- Genocide Prevention Advisory Network
- Habre Case - Legal Documents (by Human Rights Watch)
- Human Rights after Hitler
- International Center for Transitional Law
- International Committee of the Red Cross (Treaties database - National implementation database - Customary IHL)
- Interpol
- Justice in Perspective
- Law Reports of Trials of War Crimes. Selected and prepared by the United Nations War Crimes Commission, 1947–1949 (by The Library of Congress)
- National implementation of International Criminal Law (by El Equipo Nizkor)
- Nuremberg War Crimes Trials (by the Avalon Project at the Yale Law School)
- OEA - Departamento de Derecho Internacional - Corte Penal Internacional
- Prevent Genocide International
- The Hague Justice Portal
- Web Genocide Documentation Centre