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Home INTERNATIONAL Teaching Staff


Teaching Staff interested in coming to Macerata for teaching or teaching+research purposes are always very welcome.

For organisational purposes, we encourage prospective incoming colleagues to contact one of the Module/Course leaders of the Department of Law in their own field, or one of the Departmental Erasmus+ and International relationship coordinators.

Scholars interested in visiting Macerata for teaching and/or research purposes can take advantage of three established schemes:

  1. Erasmus+ Teaching Staff: for scholars coming from abroad Institutions already having an Erasmus+ partnership with Macerata (or aiming at establishing a new one). Rules on Erasmus+ must be followed in order to benefit of the EU grant. Please contact, besides the Macerata Erasmus+ coordinators, your own Home Institution's International Relations Office in order to get all the relevant information for the submission.
  2. Extra-Erasmus+ Agreements: for scholars coming from non-Erasmus+ abroad Institutions already having an agreement with Macerata (or aiming at establishing a new one). Besides contacting the Department’s Deputy Deans for Internationalisation, please follow the rules established by the agreement itself.
  3. Visiting Scholarship Programmes. Currently, there are two different programmes for visiting scholars aiming at coming to Macerata. Two calls are available: a general call for the entire University, with three places per year reserved to the Department of Law; and a specific call reserved to the Department of Law, funded by the Italian Ministry of Higher Education in the project for the Departments of Excellence. You can find more information on the calls at the websites: (and then click on “Bando Visiting Professor”)

In any case, prior to the application, it is advisable that submitting scholars contact one of the Module/Course leaders of the Department of Law in their own field, and one of the Departmental Erasmus+ and International relationship coordinators.


Prospective incoming colleagues interested in coming to Macerata by virtue of different national and supranational schemes are encouraged to contact the Department’s Deputy Deans for Internationalisation.