The legal protection of environmental and climate migrants in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Dettagli dell'evento
dalle 09:15 alle 18:00
Visualizza la Locandina nel box a destra
Evento Accreditato*
Auditorium UNIMC
9.15 a.m. | Registration and Welcome
9.45 a.m.-1.00 p.m.
FIRST SESSION - Governance, Tools and Methodologies for Climate-Induced Migration
Chair - Francesca Spigarelli | University of Macerata
Geoeconomics and Geopolitical Implications of Climate-Induced Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Simona Epasto | University of Macerata
Legal and Governance Solutions for Mediterranean Coastal Communities Facing Climate Change
Gemma Andreone | ISGI-CNR
Administrative Action and Organization Facing the Challenge of Environmental and Climate Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Area
Chiara Feliziani - Cristiana Lauri | University of Macerata
Gender Perspectives to Protect Climate-Induced Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Susana Borràs-Pentinat | University Rovira i Virgili, Terragona
The Impact of Climate Refugee Flows on EU Host Countries: A Theoretical Approach
Denard Veshi | University College Bedër, Tirana
1.00-2.45 p.m. | Lunch break
2.45-6:00 p.m.
Greeting addresses - John F. McCourt | Rector of the University of Macerata
SECOND SESSION - International Protection of Environmental and Climate Migrants
Chair - Andrea Caligiuri | University of Macerata
The Lack of a Legal Definition for Persons Forced to Move for Climate-Related Reasons: Legal and Regulatory Challenges
Alexandra Harrington | Lancaster University
Subsidiary Protection in the Context of Natural Disasters and Climate Change: From Theory to Practice
Elena Ardito | University of Macerata
The crisis and force majeure in the field of migration and asylum Regulation (2024/1359) and its relevance for the environmental/climate-related migration
Ioannis Stribis | University of the Aegean
Protection of Cross-Border Displaced Persons in the Context of Natural Disasters and Climate Change: Advancing the Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Marilù Porchia | University of Tuscia
Human rights and climate migrants. A comparison between the Inter-American and European jurisprudence
Kiara Neri | Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Maritime Jurisdiction and Climate-Induced Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region
Fiammetta Borgia | Tor Vergata University of Rome
Scientific Committee
Elena Ardito, Andrea Caligiuri, Cristiana Lauri, Laura Salvadego
*L'evento è accreditato per i seguenti corsi di Laurea attivi presso il Dipartimento SPOCRI:
- LM-52 per 2 CFU
- L-36 e LM-62 per 1 CFU
Per le iscrizioni all'evento e la successiva registrazione dei CFU, gli studenti interessati devono prenotarsi nella bacheca esami; docente di riferimento Prof.ssa Laura Salvadego.
*L'evento è accreditato per il seguente corso di Laurea attivo presso il Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza:
- LMG/01 (ad eccezione degli studenti che hanno nel loro programma di studi l'esame di International Law)
Per le iscrizioni all'evento e la successiva registrazione di 1 CFU, gli studenti interessati devono prenotarsi nella bacheca esami; docente di riferimento Prof. Andrea Caligiuri.