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Home News International Seminars' Week 2017

International Seminars' Week 2017

International Seminars' Week 2017

International Seminars' Week 2017

International Seminars' Week - from Monday 3 to Friday 7 April

The University of Macerata cares for students' formation and career opportunities, both paying serious attention to their courses' quality and looking at the world for the rich growth and exchange opportunities it does offers.

From this perspective we encourage strategic collaboration with international partners, meant to offer our students and teachers a broad set of training and research exchange opportunities.

Providing an international and intercultural sharing of knowledge and abilities, the aim of the International Seminars' Week is to become an open access context, able to enhance students' professional, social and emotional skills.

The purpose of the International Seminars' Week is together to increase international competencies through training in a foreign language and to form inter and multicultural expertise.

The International Welcome Day of this International Seminars' Week series will take place in the "Aula Magna" of our Department and will be held Thursday 6th April 2017, from 3 p.m. till 7 p.m.

We expect guest teachers from Slovenia, India, Sweden, Ukraine, Spain, Canada, Brazil and England, feel free to join us, we'll be waiting for you!

For more information about the seminars click on AGENDA.

The "Consiglio unificato in Beni Culturali e Scienze del turismo" (for the L-1&L-15 / L-15/  LM-49 / LM-89 courses) recongnised 1 CFU for the specified seminars available here.
Students must register, after login, through the exams' wall available at:, then they must attend and pass the final exam with the buddy professor for each seminar.