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Home Department Department of Excellence

Department of Excellence

MUR Excellence Department Calls

The MUR Excellence Department calls aim to contribute to the development of infrastructure, staff, teaching, and research in the funded departments.

Only 350 of the 794 Italian university and research departments are eligible for the call.

Of the 350 submitted projects, the best 180 are funded.

Only 22.67% of Italian university and research departments receive funding.


Excellence Department 2023-2027

The Excellence Department project was presented by the Department of Law in response to the competitive call issued by the Ministry of University and Research with note 6517 of May 13, 2022.

The department was admitted to the call based on the results obtained in the VQR 2015-2019 and the implementation of the 2018-2022 Excellence Department project.

The project presented by the Department of Law at the University of Macerata ranked 2nd among the 15 departments in Area 12 - Legal Sciences admitted to funding.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Ermanno Calzolaio.

Funding obtained: € 5,909,705.00.

The project is titled: "Innovation and Vulnerability: Legal Issues and Protections." The project aims to explore the implications of the relationship between law and innovation in the context of "new vulnerabilities," which refers to the underexplored aspect of the negative, real or potential, universal effects (not limited to the traditional categories of "vulnerable" individuals) linked to technological innovation and its impact on individuals and society (e.g. health, data privacy, intellectual property, environment, democracy). Novel forms of fragility affecting individuals and communities are caused by phenomena related to technological progress and digitization, which permeate social, institutional, and economic life. The decision to position this project within such a framework aligns with the goal, inherent to social sciences, of interpreting the needs of individuals and communities and improving the well-being of the person, also in its social dimension (Priority 4.4 PNR 2021-27, Pillar II HEurope, regarding the development of knowledge capable of combining economic growth with protection/social inclusion). The role of law is crucial to guide, rather than follow, the processes of change, contributing to the construction of resilient, inclusive, and sustainable societies, even for future generations. The theme significantly develops the results achieved through the previous project "Law and Innovation. Europe and China Facing the Challenges of Globalization," which are relevant in scientific terms (over 190 publications, EU and international funded projects, numerous visiting professors), educational terms (implementation of a fully English-taught L/14 degree course; renewal of the LMG/01), third mission, and training of new scholars (doctoral scholarships, research grants), as well as in recruiting young researchers and professors. The new project will involve recruitment of staff, activation of research contracts and doctoral scholarships, selection of visiting professors, and calls for new projects. On an infrastructural level, the existing law library will be strengthened by increasing digital resources, and classrooms will be created to implement innovative teaching, as well as the initiation of a Living Lab.

The project includes a radical restructuring of the central Law Department building. The University’s investment amounts to €1,200,000. The project will involve the creation of new classrooms, ensuring full accessibility for disabled and vulnerable individuals, as well as equipping them with modern IT tools for innovative and multimedia teaching. The Law Library will also benefit from investments aimed at improving access to the archives of ancient collections and increasing digital resources, which are necessary for research on the themes of the project. In terms of personnel, the staff will be strengthened through new hires: 1 associate professor, 3 university researchers (RTT), 2 research contracts, 3 research grants, 2 doctoral scholarships, 8 visiting professor positions, and 1 technical-administrative staff member.


Department of Excellence 2018-2022

The Department of Excellence project was presented by the Department of Law in response to the competitive call issued by the Ministry of University and Research, with note 5837 of May 12, 2017.

The Department was admitted to the call based on the results obtained in the VQR 2011-2014.

The Department was one of the 15 Departments in Area 12 - Legal Sciences to win the "Department of Excellence" call.

Principal Investigator: Prof. Ermanno Calzolaio.

Funding obtained: €6,735,585.00.

The project, titled "Law and Innovation. Europe and China Facing the Challenges of Globalization," aimed to investigate the contribution that legal science could/should offer to the innovation of contemporary society in response to technological, economic, and also social and cultural challenges, which have become more global than ever. This was the starting point from which the Department developed its five-year program. This choice was linked to the priorities of European and Italian policies and strategies for development and growth. As emphasized within the EU, for scientific and technological research to generate a concrete impact and thus create innovation, it is not enough to patent new technologies; they must also respond to the interests of society and respect their rights, taking into account both social and cultural diversities and the reference legal systems. In this sense, the role of legal disciplines is crucial to support and shape innovation, thereby contributing to social, cultural, and economic development. These concepts are particularly highlighted in the notion of social innovation provided by the European Commission in the document from the Directorate-General for Growth, "Social Innovation Prize to Create Solutions for Today's Challenges" (2012). From this perspective, the project focused on the contribution that law offers to the topic of societal challenges, i.e., the social challenges that Europe, and modern societies in general, are called upon to address. Among these challenges is technological and digital change. In facing these global challenges, Italy and Europe are called upon to ensure full internal integration, as well as collaborate effectively with other countries that share similar issues. China offers perspectives of particular relevance: the scale and speed of social and technological development, also due to recently launched policies, raise new questions regarding the governance of social phenomena and the structure of legal guarantees and individual and fundamental rights involved, in a legal system where their refinement is urgently needed.

The funding obtained allowed for the expansion of the teaching and technical-administrative staff, the implementation of the restructuring of the legal library, the funding of research grants and PhD scholarships, investment in an internationalization program for students and faculty, and also contributed to the establishment of a research hub focused on the topics addressed by the project.