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Public Engagement can be defined as the set of activities aimed at a non-academic, non-profit public with educational, cultural and societal development value through which the Department's researchers communicate the benefits of education and research results. .

During the year, the Department permanently promotes dissemination initiatives aimed at "non-expert" publics, also in collaboration with other public and private institutions in the area.

These initiatives are seminars and informative meetings on highly topical juridical issues, workshops for children, participatory democracy initiatives, film reviews, sport events, contests, school involvement activities, cultural aperitifs, simulation of judicial processes.

foto atrio giurisprudenza


Here is a selection of the Public Engagement activities carried out in the last three years:


  • December 20th: Professor Francesca Spigarelli and Dr. Gianluca Sampaolo participated in the online event "Determinants of China's Economic Growth: Scenarios and Perspectives for the Future," organized by the China Center of the University of Macerata in collaboration with The Institute of International Economic Relations of Athens and the Association of International & European Affairs of Greece. The event featured prominent figures in the field of applied economics and international relations.

  • December 17th: Professor Roberto Scendoni was the scientific coordinator and speaker for "The Vulnerability of the Environment and the Fragility of Humans in Living and Working Spaces: Perspectives from Science, Laboratories, and Technology."

  • December 5th: Aperitivi Giuridici | Blockchain Technology and Copyright Law: Intersections

  • November 28th: Professors Andrea Caligiuri and Giuseppe Mecca were speakers at the study day "Climate and Environmental Migrations in Historical Perspective: Sources, Geographies, and Regulations."

  • November 26th: Professor Arianna Maceratini, Professors Paolo Sernani, Pierangelo Buongiorno, and Carlo Sabbatini, within the Chair of Philosophy of Law and History of Roman Law for the academic year 2024/2025, were speakers at the II Seminar "Vulnerability of the Anthropogenic Environment: Networks and Systems from the Ancient World to the Present." The event is part of the project Innovation and Vulnerability: Legal Issues and Protections funded by MUR under the Departments of Excellence 2023-2027 program at the Department of Law, University of Macerata.

  • November 23rd: Professor Ninfa Contigiani, within the Chair of History of Contemporary Political and Institutional Phenomena, and Chair of History of Social Legislation at UNIMC, in collaboration with the Nilde Iotti Foundation, was a speaker at the course-ending seminar with the presentation of the book The Laws of Women Who Changed Italy (Ed.24).

  • November 13th: Aperitivi Giuridici | The Crime That Wasn't, or Maybe It Was: Penal Reflections on the Giulio Regeni Case.

  • November 5th: Professors Ermanno Calzolaio, Mariano Cingolani, Pierangelo Buongiorno, and Carlo Sabbatini, within the Chair of Philosophy of Law and History of Roman Law for the academic year 2024/2025, were speakers at the I Seminar "Vulnerability of Nature and the Nature of Vulnerability: Vulnerability and Systems—Epistemological Models and Study Experiences." The event is part of the project Innovation and Vulnerability: Legal Issues and Protections funded by MUR under the Departments of Excellence 2023-2027 program at the Department of Law, University of Macerata.

  • October 25th: Professors Giuseppe Rivetti, Stefano Pollastrelli, and Professor Claudia Cesari, within the Chair of Tax Law, were speakers at the conference "The Reform of the Penal and Tax Sanction System - Legislative Decree 14 June 2024, No. 87." The event is part of the PRIN 2022 Project on Financing Public Budgets from Illegal Economy: Coherence and Efficiency of Interaction between Taxation and Criminal Confiscation in For-Profit and Non-Profit Sectors.

  • October 15th: Professor Francesca Spigarelli, within the Economics and Policies for Innovation Course | A.Y. 2024-2025, hosted Dr. Luca Escoffier for the event "Technology Transfer and Open Innovation: How to Promote a Technological Solution and Convert It into Innovation" at the University of Macerata.

  • October 11th: Professors Stefano Pollastrelli, Ermanno Calzolaio, Monica Stronati, Fiorenza Prada, Paolo Sernani, Fabio Piccioni, and Doctors Lara Discepolo and Beatrice Baldoni were speakers at the conference "Innovation and Vulnerability: Passengers and Pedestrians in the Transport System." The event is part of the Innovation and Vulnerability: Legal Issues and Protections project funded by MUR under the Departments of Excellence 2023-2027 program at the Department of Law, University of Macerata, and presented the Department of Excellence to the public.

  • On October 10th, Professor Giuseppe Mecca and Professor Ninfa Contigiani will discuss "Sport and the Gender Issue." The event is part of the Chair of Sports Law History | A.Y. 2024/2025 | Bachelor's Degree in Legal Services L-14 | Legal Consultant for Sports, University of Macerata.
  • On September 30th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli will present the University of Macerata's spin-off MODA METRICS at ECCV2024 at MiCo, Milan.
  • On June 20th, The Path of Hydraulic Mills in the Other Maceratese, an event within the project "Cultural Heritage, Innovation, Inclusion, Inner Areas, Sustainability (CHIAS)" at the University of Macerata.
  • On May 25th, Culture and Memory of the Sibillini | Sustainable and Inclusive Development, an event within the project "Cultural Heritage, Innovation, Inclusion, Inner Areas, Sustainability (CHIAS)" at the University of Macerata.
  • On May 15th, Professor Andrea Caligiuri participated in the event ISRAEL AND PALESTINE: Issues of History, Issues of Law (event organized by ANPI Macerata).
  • On May 9th, an event organized by the CDE of Macerata in collaboration with the Department of Law titled European Antennas in the Marche Region | Europe Around Me.
  • On May 8th and 9th, the National Meeting of Mayor Kids was organized on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the first Municipal Council of Kids, by the Coordination of Councils of Italy and the "Via Piave" Comprehensive Institute.
  • On May 7th, Professors Andrea Caligiuri and Giuseppe Mecca participated in the Sustainable Development Festival 2024: Social Sustainability, International Solidarity, and Women's Rights in the Mediterranean Area (event organized by CiRAM, in collaboration with the Department of Humanities and the Department of Law).
  • On April 3rd, Professor Andrea Caligiuri participated in the meeting Promotion of Human Rights and the Fight Against Racism in Sport (event organized for the "April 6th - International Day of Sport for Development and Peace").
  • On March 22nd, Professor Andrea Caligiuri participated in the meeting ISRAEL AND PALESTINE: The Endless Conflict and the Reasons of Law.
  • On March 20th, Professor Rivetti was interviewed by Linea Verde, a RAI television program, as head of the FAI Macerata delegation.
  • On March 8th, Magistrate Finally: The First Judges in Italy, a book presentation by Eliana Di Caro (Il Mulino) at the Legal Library of the Department of Law. The book delves into the stories of the eight women who won the first judicial competition open to women, portraying Italy's difficult transformation. The discussion with the author was led by Annamaria Picozzi, Maria Cristina Ottavianoni, and Andrea Amato. The event was coordinated by Ninfa Contigiani and Giuseppe Mecca.
  • On March 1st, Adolf Berger, a European Tragedy, a conference by Professor Pierangelo Buongiorno at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Rome.
  • On February 17th, The Succession of Caesars Between Vulnerability and Innovations in Vico del Gargano (FG), book presentation by Professor Pierangelo Buongiorno, Emperors Missed. Law and Power in the Web of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty, Navi Series, Castelvecchi, Rome 2023.
  • Professor Chiara Feliziani was appointed legal expert for the EuroMeSCO network for the Economy, Trade, Energy, and Climate area – A.Y. 2021-2022, ongoing.
  • Professor Chiara Feliziani was appointed External Observer for the European Association of Administrative Judges (AEAJ) working group on the environment – since A.Y. 2019-2020, ongoing.




  • December 17th: Professor Giacomo Menegus wrote for on "Freedom of Assembly and Police Video Recording: Still on the 'Apostolico Case.'"
  • December 16th: Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo, in collaboration with ANPI Macerata and CGIL Macerata, participated in the meeting "The Proposal for a Premier System" held in Piediripa, Macerata.
  • December 15th: Professor Francesca Spigarelli participated in Partnership 2023, Campetella Group, Campetella Robotic Center - Macerata.
  • December 14th: Professor Francesca Spigarelli was featured in Corriere Adriatico with the article "Those Who Trade with Asia Show Better Resilience."
  • December 6th: Professor Ninfa Contigiani participated in Project BESTIA ROSA: prog.OPM/2022/32781: action 1: overcoming trauma from violence. Training for educators and victims of violence at the CAV of Macerata.
  • December 6th: Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the presentation of the book Il Secolo Mobile. Storia dell'immigrazione illegale in Europa by Gabriele del Grande, organized by the University of Macerata, Refugees Welcome Italia, and the G. Garibaldi Agricultural Institute, Macerata.
  • November 30th: Professor Roberto Scendoni participated in La persona e il lavoratore: la valorizzazione delle vulnerabilità nei luoghi di lavoro (The Person and the Worker: Valuing Vulnerabilities in the Workplace), organized by UNIMC and Azienda Sanitaria Territoriale 3 Macerata, held at the Luigi Bertelli Didactic Center, UNIMC.
  • November 29th: Professor Paolo Sernani participated in the Giornata Nazionale della Cybersicurezza (National Cybersecurity Day), organized by the Ministry of University and Research in Rome.
  • October 27th: Professors Luigi Lacché and Monica Stronati participated in the roundtable Inventario della casa di campagna di Piero Calamandrei (Inventory of Piero Calamandrei's Country House), part of the AMBIENTE, CITTADINANZA, IDENTITA, EVENTI CULTURALI project, at the IIS "GARIBALDI," Istituto Agrario, Macerata.
  • November 25th: Professor Francesca Spigarelli participated in Sviluppo e giovani imprese del territorio. Stimolare opportunità per accelerare la crescita e l’innovazione (Development and Young Enterprises in the Territory. Stimulating Opportunities to Accelerate Growth and Innovation), organized by CNA Marche-Umbria.
  • November 25th: Professor Francesca Spigarelli participated in In una relazione complicata. Unione Europea e Cina di fronte alle sfide dell’innovazione tecnologica e della cooperazione (In a Complicated Relationship. The European Union and China Facing the Challenges of Technological Innovation and Cooperation), at the Università dei Saperi in Fano.
  • November 24th: Professor Lina Caraceni participated in La giustizia che ripara (Restorative Justice), organized by Caritas Diocesana Ancona-Osimo.
  • November 16th: Professors Stefano Pollastrelli, Gianluca Contaldi, Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, Cristina Grieco, and Enrico Antonio Emiliozzi participated in La proposta di regolamento europeo in materia di filiazione (The European Regulation Proposal on Parenthood).
  • November 14th: Professors Stefano Pollastrelli, Laura Vagni, Angela Cossiri, and Francesca Spigarelli participated in Città e Biblioteche, una relazione amichevole (Cities and Libraries, a Friendly Relationship), at the Department of Law, Legal Library.
  • November 11th: Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo wrote on about "Misunderstandings on the Separation of Careers."
  • November 8th: Professor Giuseppe Mecca participated in the Mostra Malacarne (Malacarne Exhibition) at UNIMC, organized by CASB.
  • On November 7th, Professor Chiara Bergonzini participated in "How to 'teach' the Italian Constitution? Methods and Issues," organized by the Centro Internazionale Studi Gentiliani - CISG in San Ginesio.
  • On October 27th, Professor Giacomo Menegus participated in "Living the Cities of Tourism," organized by CGIL Toscana, Sunia, at the Auditorium of the Regional Council of Tuscany, via Cavour 4, Florence.
  • On October 25th, Professor Luigi Lacché participated in a series of meetings/conferences organized by the Centro Internazionale Studi Gentiliani - CISG of San Ginesio at AUDITORIUM SANT’AGOSTINO - San Ginesio (Via Matteotti) on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Italian Constitution.
  • On October 24th, Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo participated in a roundtable organized by the National Association of Magistrates - District Section of Ancona, titled "The Career of Magistrates: Legislative Proposals for Constitutional Revision."
  • On October 14th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote an article in Corriere Adriatico titled "The Power of the Ball Between Stage and Reality, and the Referee Remains the Most Vulnerable."
  • On October 13th, Professor Giacomo Menegus participated in the Homeless More Rights Festival.
  • On October 13th, Professor Serena Mariani participated in the "Law and Agriculture" webinar series with a session titled "Agricultural Pre-emption and Agricultural Societies," organized by Copagri Marche and the Rural Development Agency, held remotely.
  • On October 8th, Professor Roberto Scendoni participated in the Overtime Festival with "The Story of the Murder of a Marathoner: The Incredible Story of Alex Schwazer."
  • On October 6th, Professors Arianna Alpini and Filippo Olivelli participated in the Overtime Festival with "Reforms in Sports Law."
  • On October 6th, Professor Serena Mariani participated in the "Law and Agriculture" webinar series with a session titled "Seed Multiplication Contracts," organized by Copagri Marche and the Rural Development Agency, held remotely.
  • On October 5th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli participated in the 2023 Silk Festival, Prato, Official Website.
  • On October 5th, Professor Gabriele Franza participated in the presentation of the book “I Just Wanted to Be a Footballer” at Overtime, Macerata.
  • On October 3rd, Professor Laura Vagni participated in the presentation of the university’s digital library: "The Digital Library: Know, Share, Protect," organized by CASB, UNIMC.
  • On September 30th, Professor Romolo Donzelli participated in Una Comunità Virtuale UNIMC.
  • On September 28th, Professor Andrea Caligiuri participated in the panel "Communities on the Move: Cultural Paths as Tools for Territorial Cohesion, Sustainable Development, and the Care of Common Goods in Internal Areas" as part of the Macerata Festival of Humanities 2023, organized by CiRAM.
  • September 27th, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the workshop "Restorative Justice Takes the Stage" at UNIMC.
  • September 27th-30th, several professors from the Department participated in the Macerata Humanities Festival: Professors Caraceni, Caligiuri, Stronati, Feliziani, Cingolani, Vagni, Marchegiani, Donzelli, and Compagnucci.
  • September 26th, Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo was interviewed by Radio 24, the radio of Il Sole 24 ORE.
  • September 26th, Professor Luigi Lacché participated in the presentation of the book L’Italia e la sua Costituzione. Una storia, by Raffaele Romanelli, published by Laterza, 2023, at the CASB, Macerata.
  • September 26th, Professor Serena Mariani participated in the Diritto e agricoltura webinar series, presenting on "The Reuse of Corporate Seed from Protected Varieties: Legal Aspects," organized by Copagri Marche and the Rural Development Agency, held remotely.
  • September 25th-29th, several professors from the Department participated in Sharper Night 2023, the European Researchers' Night: Professors Pollastrelli, Spigarelli, Calzolaio, Vagni, Cingolani, Marongiu Buonaiuti, and Compagnucci.
  • September 23rd, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote for Corriere Adriatico with the article Obsession with Innovation: Israel is Technology and the Future.
  • September 20th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote for Globo with The End of the Chinese Miracle?
  • September 20th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote for Morning Post with How to Solve the Migrant Issue in a Few Simple Steps and Other Stories of the Day, Milan.
  • September 17th, Professor Roberto Scendoni participated in the meeting The End of the Chinese Miracle? organized by Vitalaire - Civic Health Committee Macerata.
  • August 31st - September 3rd, 2023, Professor Chiara Feliziani was part of the scientific committee and speaker at the Summer School Sibillini - Europa, in Amandola (FM), organized by the Sibillini Europa Association, with the patronage of the European Parliament, the European Commission Representation in Italy, and the Department of Law of the University of Macerata.
  • August 26th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli, with Fulvio Esposito, wrote for Corriere Adriatico with the article Technology Transfer Takes Us Back.
  • July 26th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli was interviewed by Multi Radio on "Digitalization and Many Opportunities for Our Companies in the Chinese and American Markets."
  • July 24th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote for Corriere Adriatico with the article With Alibaba's Help, China Is More Accessible for Our Companies.
  • July 22nd, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote for Corriere Adriatico with the article Marche's Economy is Growing Despite Many Uncertainties.
  • July 15th, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the event Restorative Justice in the Cartabia Reform organized by the Regional Volunteering Justice Conference in Ancona.
  • July 7th, Professor Guido Canavesi participated in the event Public Employees' Salaries Under the Test of Inflation, organized in Ancona by Cisl Fp Marche.
  • July 5th | For the 10th anniversary of the China Center at the University of Macerata, RAI broadcasted a segment on the TGR with an interview with the center's director, Professor Spigarelli.
  • June 24th, Professor Pierangelo Buongiorno participated as a discussant and moderator in the event An Emotion Called Book, covering the 2022 and 2023 editions, organized by the Cultural Association Una Valle di Libri on behalf of the municipal administration of Ostuni (BR).
  • June 23rd, Professor Pamela Lattanzi participated in the Premio Marchigiani dell'Anno in Senigallia.
  • June 22nd, as part of the European Trust project, a webinar was organized in collaboration with ICE Agency titled The Internationalization of Italian Companies and the Role of Blockchain Technology, with Professors L. Compagnucci, P. Sernani, and F. Spigarelli also participating.
  • June 17th, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote for Corriere Adriatico with the article PNRR, Let's Not Eat the Seed, Let's Plant It and Make It Grow.
  • June 14th, Professor Mario Cingolani participated in the Study Group on the New Definition of Disability, organized by the Italian Society of Legal Medicine and Insurance, held remotely.
  • June 10th, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the initiative "The Prisons of Others: Prison, Life Sentences, 41bis", organized by the "Extrema Ratio" Association of Bologna in San Benedetto del Tronto.
  • June 5th, Professor Giacomo Menegus participated in Living and Working in Florence – Housing, Transportation, and Wages to Combat the Weak Tertiary Sector of the City – Against the Expulsion of the Working Class from the City, organized by CGIL Florence, Filcams CGIL Florence, Sunia, and Ebtt at the CGIL Labor Chamber of Florence - Borgo Greci 3 (Di Vittorio Hall), Florence.
  • May 31st, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the initiative Conferment of the Constitution to New Eighteen-Year-Olds - Democracy, Rights, Solidarity: Promises to Keep, organized by ISREC Macerata in Recanati.
  • May 31st, Professor Federica Monti participated in the Project 1084046 - DHAEC: Digital Humanism and Entrepreneurship Contamination, organized by UNIMC, held in Macerata and online.
  • May 30th, Professor Roberto Scendoni participated in The Crime Scene: From the First Intervention to the Laboratory, FSP Police of the State - Macerata Provincial Secretariat.
  • May 23rd, Professor Federica Monti participated in the Project 1084046 - DHAEC: Digital Humanism and Entrepreneurship Contamination, organized by UNIMC, held in Macerata and online.
  • May 22nd, Professor Gianluca Contaldi participated in the meeting Visit to the "Experience Europe - David Sassoli" Space, organized by the CDE of Macerata, held in Rome.
  • May 20th, Professor Ninfa Contigiani participated in the VILLAGGIO DIGITALE Festival: Good Practices in Digital Citizenship (from September 2022 to June 2023, digital education in primary and secondary schools and training meetings in cities).
  • May 17th, Professor Andrea Caligiuri conducted, within the framework of the Sustainable Development Festival, the initiative Denied Rights and Violence Against Women in the Mediterranean Area, organized by the Interdepartmental Research Center on the Adriatic and the Mediterranean (CiRAM) and UNIMC.
  • May 2nd, Professors Giuseppe Rivetti, Francesca Moroni, Monica Peta, Virginia Taddei, and Laura Mancini conducted, as part of the Sustainable Development Festival, the initiative Green Taxation in Support of a More Sustainable Future, organized by the Department of Law UNIMC.
  • April 22nd, Professor Francesca Spigarelli wrote for Corriere Adriatico with the article China Rediscovered Three Years Later Between Extreme Luxury and Laundry on the Line.
  • April 28th, Professor Gianluca Contaldi participated in the Workshop European Union: Getting to Know It to Work and Gain Professional Experience in the Union, organized by Europe Direct Marche.
  • April 26th, Professor Andrea Francesco Tripodi participated in the meeting Protected Together – Project on Prevention Against Scams, City of Macerata, Macerata Prefecture, University of Macerata, Auditorium-Mozzi Borgetti Library (April 26th, 2023).
  • April 21st, Professor Gianluca Contaldi participated in the meeting The Reform of the Economic Governance of the European Union, organized by the CDE of Macerata.
  • April 21st, Professor Gianluca Contaldi participated in the meeting Seminar on National Judgments: Trials of Resistance to European Union Law, organized by the CDE of Macerata.
  • April 20th, Professor Gianluca Contaldi participated in the meeting The Nature of the European Union and Its Legal System, organized by the CDE of Macerata.
  • April 13th-14th, Professors Pollastrelli, Buongiorno, and Stronati participated in the international conference Stories of Maritime Law from Antiquity to the Present Day, organized by the University of Macerata in collaboration with the Italian Association of Navigation and Transport Law and the Italian company Fratelli Marittime Group, with the patronage of the Italian Association of Maritime Law.
  • April 5th, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani participated in Active Guidance at the S. Giovanni Paolo II Institute in Fermo.
  • March 23rd, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the initiative Life Imprisonment Without Parole and the "Hard Prison" Regime, organized by the University of Macerata - Antigone Marche - Macerata Bar Association - "Spring of Legality" Table.
  • March 22nd, Professor Gianluca Contaldi participated in the series INSIDE AND BEYOND THE WAR on Russia, Western Europe, and Eastern Europe, with the session European Sanctions Against the Russian Federation.
  • March 21st, Professor Francesca Spigarelli was interviewed by Corriere Adriatico - Marchigian Export Grows Eastward, Boom in Taiwan (+1673%) and South Korea (+598%). Spigarelli (Unimc): "This Trend Should Not Be Underestimated".
  • March 18th, Professor Giacomo Menegus participated in the High Tension Housing Cities Meeting at the Veneto Institute of Sciences, Letters, and Arts - Palazzo Franchetti, Campo Santo Stefano 2847, Venice.
  • March 16th, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the initiative A Different Look at Prisons, organized by the Library of Urbisaglia (MC) - Macerata Tells in Urbisaglia.
  • March 14th, Professor Andrea Caligiuri participated in the event The Great Story of the Mediterranean (event organized by CiRAM for Mediterranean Day on March 21st).
  • March 14th, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani participated in Active Guidance at Civitanova Marche Classical High School.
  • March 10th, Professor Roberto Scendoni participated in UNISTEM Day 2023 - The Infinite Journey of Scientific Research in Camerino.
  • March 10th, Professor Chiara Bergonzini participated at the Associazione 25 Aprile in Cremona in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Italian Constitution: Comparing Texts, teacher training as part of the 9th cycle of the multi-year course Towards a Didactics of the Constitution: Understanding the Constitution, Training for Citizenship.
  • March 9th, Professor Chiara Bergonzini participated at the Associazione 25 Aprile in Cremona in The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Italian Constitution: Comparing Texts, teacher training as part of the 9th cycle of the multi-year course Towards a Didactics of the Constitution: Understanding the Constitution, Training for Citizenship.
  • March 7th, Professor Andrea Caligiuri participated in a live radio broadcast on the RETE DUE channel of Radiotelevisione della Svizzera Italiana (RSI) to discuss the recent conclusion of negotiations on the adoption of a treaty for the protection of marine areas beyond national jurisdictions, which took place at the UN on March 4th. The portion of the radio program discussing this topic has been turned into an open-access podcast, available at the following link:
  • March 3rd, Professor Giuseppe Mecca held the workshop "Learning to Understand the Phenomenon of the Mafia: From History to Stories," consisting of 5 sessions:

March 3rd, 2023: The Memory of the Innocent Victims of the Mafia
March 10th, 2023: The Rognoni-La Torre Law and the Property Sanctions Against the Mafia
March 24th, 2023: Piero Nava, First Witness of Justice
March 31st, 2023: Stories of International Mafia: The South American Case - Latin American Journalist
April 18th, 2023: Others

  • "The Perspectives of Shared Administration" is the title of a series of meetings held in Macerata from February 27th to March 31st to start a training path on the relationship between local government and social realities of the territory, following the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court. Professor Guido Canavesi participated as the director of the Specialization School in Labor Law, Union Law, and Social Security at UNIMC, and Professor Ninfa Contigiani participated as the coordinator of the Interdepartmental Center for the Third Sector and Civil Economy – CITESEC. The initiative was created and organized by the Foundation for Subsidiarity in collaboration with the Municipality of Macerata, the Territorial Social District 15, the University of Macerata, CITESEC, and the Specialization School in Labor Law, Union Law, and Social Security.
  • February 20th, Professor Edoardo Mazzanti participated in Active Guidance at the Istituto S. Giovanni Paolo II in Fermo.
  • February 24th, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani participated in Active Guidance at the Istituto S. Giovanni Paolo II in Fermo.
  • February 15th, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani participated in Active Guidance at the Istituto S. Giovanni Paolo II in Fermo.
  • February 17th, Professor Angela Giuseppina Cossiri participated in the seminar series Climate Migration from a Gender Perspective.
  • February 14th, Professor Alessandro Berrettini participated in Active Guidance at Liceo Classico Civitanova, Civitanova Marche, organized by UNIMC.
  • February 13th, Professor Alessandro Berrettini participated in Active Guidance at the Polo Scolastico Giovanni Paolo II, Fermo, organized by UNIMC.
  • February 9th, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the online initiative Teaching Migration: "Legislation: Placing and Qualifying the Migratory Phenomenon. Discrimination and Counteracting Actions" organized by the G. Garibaldi Agricultural Institute of Macerata.
  • February 7th-9th, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani presented in Paris at Première Vision, the international fashion and sustainability fair, the project "Legal Profiles of Green Certifications for a Smarter, More Sustainable, and Circular Fashion Industry." This project, in collaboration with the Department of Law at the University of Macerata and Dienpis.s.r.l, aligns with the European Green Deal: Circular and Climate-Neutral Manufacturing and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The goals include promoting innovation and green transition in the fashion sector toward a sustainable, circular, and civil economy, optimizing cooperation models between businesses for environmental and human sustainability, enhancing trust in new-generation technologies, and promoting Made in Italy as an element of national cultural heritage.
  • February 4th, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the event Mafia, Prison, 41-bis: The Messina Denaro Case. To Understand More, organized by Liceo Scientifico G. Galilei - Macerata.
  • January 30th, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani participated in Active Guidance at Liceo Scientifico Galilei in Macerata.
  • January 29th, Professor Roberto Scendoni expressed a statement of solidarity with Cristina Petrelli, Neurologist.
  • January 29th, Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo participated in the Rotaract Ancona seminar titled Electoral Systems.
  • January 24th, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani was interviewed by Radio Azzurra and TV Gabrielli regarding her participation in Première Vision with Dienpi srl.
  • January 12th, Professor Romolo Donzelli participated in informal hearings before the joint II and X commissions on the legislative decree concerning the implementation of EU Directive 2020/1828 regarding representative actions for the protection of consumers' interests, which repeals Directive 2009/22/CE, organized by the Chamber of Deputies in Rome.



  • On December 5, Professor Laura Marchegiani participated in the Netval members' assembly organized by NETVAL in Rome.
  • On November 29, Professors Andrea Caligiuri and Ninfa Contigiani participated in the 2022 Festival of the Humanities event organized by the Department of Humanities, UNIMC in Macerata.
  • On November 25, Professor Roberto Scendoni participated in the "Elements of Thanatocronology and Forensic Medical-Legal Injury" event organized by UNIMOL, Department of Medicine and Surgery, in Campobasso.
  • On November 24, Professor Roberto Scendoni participated in the "Polygraph and Neurophysiological Recording Methods" event organized by ASUR MARCHE in Civitanova Marche.
  • On November 3, Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo was interviewed by the local TV station Etv Marche.
  • On October 23, Professor Giorgia Vulpiani participated in the event "Metaverse, NFTs, and Art" organized by the Festival of Science of Fermo – Fermhamente in Fermo.
  • On October 22, Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo participated in the seminar "Government of Local Authorities and Shared Administration Institutions" organized as an informational event in conjunction with the Municipal Elections in Ancona.
  • On October 21, Professor Gianluca Contaldi participated in the event "Towards Global Climate Justice" organized by UNIDROIT in Rome.
  • On October 19, Professor Stefano Pollastrelli participated in the event "Professional Figures in Sports" organized by technical institutes and high schools in Macerata.
  • On October 14, Professors Chiara Feliziani and Giuseppe Rivetti participated in the event "Enhancing Cultural and Landscape Heritage. Sustainability and New Fiscal Policies" as part of the 2022 Sustainable Development Festival organized by the Department of Law, UNIMC in Macerata.
  • On October 7, Professor Monica Stronati participated in the training course "The figure and work of Ghino Valenti, thematic and educational paths" organized by the “Garibaldi” Agricultural Institute of Macerata.
  • In September, several professors from the Department participated in the Sharper event in Macerata during the European Researchers' Night:

26/09 - SPORT AND ITS PROTAGONISTS – Discussion and debate with sports figures. Organized by: S. Pollastrelli. Time: 17:30-19:30.
27/09 - MOOT COURT – A simulated trial on the impact of sanctions imposed on Russian Federation officials following the war in Ukraine on private sector relations. Organized by: F. Marongiu Buonaiuti. Time: 17:00-19:00.
27/09 - DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND HEALTH – Presentation of the TRUST (digital TuRn in EUrope: Strengthening relational reliance through Technology) and REINITIALISE (pREservIng fuNdamental rIghTs In the use of digitAl technoLogIes for e-health ServicEs) projects funded by the HORIZON 2020 program. Organized by: F. Spigarelli and B. Giovanola. Time: 19:30-20:30.
29/09 - INNOVA MACERATA – Presentation of the INNOVA Macerata project on the redevelopment of urban spaces. Organized by: F. Spigarelli. Time: 12:00-13:00.
30/09 - FORENSIC MEDICINE LABORATORY – FOR.MED.LAB is a laboratory focused on forensic medicine and toxicology. The staff will describe the activities and equipment used. Organized by: M. Cingolani. Time: 17:00-20:00. Institution: FOR.MED.LAB.

  • On September 28, Professor Lina Caraceni participated in the initiative “PRISON: Build New Walls or Tear Down the Old Ones” organized by the Nessuno Tocchi Caino Association - Coordination of Penal Chambers of the Marche. The debate was broadcast on Radio Radicale.
  • On September 29, Professor Andrea Caligiuri participated in the Macerata Festival of the Humanities: Environmental sustainability and the management of maritime cultural heritage.
  • September 27: Prof. Giovanni Di Cosimo was interviewed by RAI TG Regional Marche.
  • September 16-17: Profs. Mariano Cingolani and Roberto Scendoni participated in the national conference "Prostheses. Overcoming limits, measurements, and conventions" organized by GISDI and GISDAP in Catania.
  • September 8: Prof. Giovanni Di Cosimo participated in the seminar "The Right to Vote" organized by Agesci in Ancona.
  • September 6: Prof. Alessio Bartolacelli participated in the training course for judges of the Lithuanian Supreme Court in Vilnius on "Selected Italian cases in the field of European Company Law," organized by the Lithuanian Supreme Court and MRU Vilnius.
  • August 28: Prof. Angela Giuseppina Cossiri took part in the event “Women's Politics for Women's Rights: What Has Changed from Nilde Iotti to Today,” organized by the Nilde Iotti Foundation – Marche Committee, in Montegranaro (FM).
  • July 29: Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the event “Premio Cassero d'Argento” organized by the Municipality of Castelraimondo.
  • July 25: Prof. Arianna Alpini was interviewed and participated online in the event “30 Years from the Maastricht Treaty” organized by MISTER LEX.
  • July 7: Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the event “Schools, Integration, Italian Language” organized by the Municipality of Macerata.
  • April 22: Prof. Giorgia Vulpiani participated in the event “Green Jobs in Fashion – Blockchain Technology in the Fashion Industry” organized by CNA Picena in Ascoli Piceno.
  • March 28: Profs. Stefano Villamena and Stefano Pollastrelli participated in the conference “Training Professional Figures in Football” organized by Recanatese Calcio in Recanati.
  • March 25: Prof. Roberto Scendoni participated online in the event “Lights and Shadows in Suspicious Post-Vaccination Deaths During the COVID Era – Presentation of a Case from the Macerata Sector,” organized by the Italian Forensic Pathologists Group.
  • March 24: Prof. Giacomo Menegus participated in the event “Venice: What Post-Pandemic Tourism?” organized by Ateneo Veneto in Venice.
  • March 23: Prof. Arianna Alpini participated in the “Legal Aperitifs,” a series of meetings with students organized by the Department of Law, UNIMC.
  • Professor Francesca Spigarelli, professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Law and director of the China Center, was interviewed on Friday, March 4th, by Rai3 regarding China's stance on the international crisis involving Russia and Ukraine. The interview was broadcast during the 7:30 PM edition of TGR Marche. The full interview can be heard starting at minute 12:08 of the following link:
  • On March 1st, Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo participated in the initiative “Lo statuto comunale” in Ancona, organized by the training course of the Young Democrats of the Marche region.
  • On February 24th, Professor Giuseppe Mecca participated online in the initiative “Which electoral system for today’s Italy?” organized by the Associazione INSIEME CAMPANIA.
  • On February 20th, some professors from the Department (Professors Pamela Lattanzi, Massimo Meccarelli, and Francesca Spigarelli) participated in the Expo Dubai - Meeting stakeholders event organized by Regione Marche in Dubai.
  • On February 19th, Professor Alessio Bartolacelli participated in Macerata in the initiative “The international condition of gender equality,” organized by ELSA Macerata in collaboration with the Commission for Equal Opportunities of Regione Marche.
  • On February 17th, Professor Alessio Bartolacelli participated in Hanoi/online in the TAIEX INTPA Workshop on improving the regulatory and supervisory framework on green bonds, organized by the European Commission for the benefit of the State Securities Commission of Viet Nam.
  • On February 17th, Professor Giuseppe Mecca participated online in the initiative “Electoral laws, party systems, and political alternations in Italy,” organized by the Associazione INSIEME CAMPANIA.
  • On February 12th, Professor Lina Caraceni participated online in the workshop "Restorative justice and mediation. For the well-being of people and communities," organized by the University of Sassari.
  • On February 10th, Professor Giuseppe Mecca participated online in the initiative “Representation and electoral systems,” organized by the Associazione INSIEME CAMPANIA.
  • On January 26th, Professor Giovanni Di Cosimo participated in the conference organized by the National Association of Magistrates, Executive Section of Marche, titled “The different electoral systems, their practical implications, and potential unconstitutionality of proposed solutions, with particular reference to the drawing of lots method.”
  • From August 2021 to February 2022, Professor Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in the high-dissemination editorial initiative La Grande Storia di Roma, with the publication of the volume (No. 14 in the series) Tiberius, the Unwanted Prince, published in March 2022 by Arnoldo Mondadori Editori.




  • December 15 prof. Francesca Spigarelli was interviewed online on the Rai due radio program "Anni '20".
  • December 15, prof. Lina Caraceni held in Rome the webinar "Hearing of the Parliamentary Committee on childhood and adolescence on the impact of Legislative Decree 121/2018 on the conditions of minors in prison" organized by the Parliamentary Commission on childhood and adolescence.
  • December 04 prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno took part in Ostuni (BR) in the initiative "Princes, senators and missed emperors in ancient Rome" organized by Rotary Club Ostuni.
  • November 22, prof. Stefano Pollastrelli took part in Civitanova Marche in the initiative for the presentation of law courses organized by the Liceo Scientifico of Civitanova Marche.
  • October 27 prof. Giovanni Di Cosimo took part in Macerata in the initiative "Dialogue with health and legal professionals, for an analytical approach to the pandemic" organized by the Consul of associations of municipality of Macerata.
  • October 13 prof. Giovanni Di Cosimo took part in Senigallia in the initiative "The importance of the Conference on the Future of Europe for the territories" organized by AICREE Marche
  • 24 September the European Researchers' Night - SHARPER organized by UNIMC for citizenship took place in Macerata, in which several professors from the Department took part, including profs. Alessio Bartolacelli, Stefano Pollastrelli and Francesca Spigarelli. The events in the previous days were also connected to the initiative, "Waiting for the night ...", which was also attended by prof. Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti
  • September 16 prof. Stefano Pollastrelli took part in Macerata in the initiative dedicated to sports where he presented the degree course in Sports Law Consultant. The initiative was organized by the Professional Institute of Macerata
  • September 10 prof. Alessio Bartolacelli took part in the "Lubtech 2021 - Digital Health" initiative organized by the City of Lublin, Poland
  • July 13 prof. Tiziana Montecchiari took part in the online initiative "HORIZON EUROPE WEEK 2021 - cluster 2 - Multidisciplinary skills of human and social sciences" organized by the EUROPEAN COMMISSION - EUROPEAN RESEARCH PROMOTION AGENCY - MINISTRY OF UNIVERSITY AND RESEARCH organized by the Criminal Law Chamber of Milan - Prisons Observatory
  • May 27, prof. Lina Caraceni took part in the online webinar initiative ERGASTOLO OSTATIVO E ORDINANZA 97/2021: LA PAROLA AL PARLAMENTO NEI BINARI DELLA CONSULTA
  • Conference on the future of Europe - Three events: May 24 16:00 -18: 00 "Climate change and migration" (prof. Chiara Feliziani), May 27 10:00 - 12:00 "Economic and political choices before the Court of Justice and the Constitutional Courts" (prof. Roberto Cisotta), June 29 15:00 - 17:00 “Innovation and digital transition in agriculture” (Prof. Pamela Lattanzi).
  • Giacomo Feltrinelli Foundation

New economies | Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participates in the China Capital cycle. Live streaming meeting on Fondazione Live and on the Facebook page 05.24.2021 | 31.05.2021 | 07.06.2021 at 18.30.

  • April 25, prof. Angela Giuseppina Cossiri took part in the online initiative "Youth and politics" organized by the U-Topia and AMUNI associations of Palermo
  • April 21, prof. Arianna Alpini took part in the initiative "Legal news: law and rights in the present time" organized by the IIS Leonardo da Vinci (POT) of Civitanova Marche
  • April 04, prof. Giovanni Di Cosimo took part in the initiative "Talking about institutions" organized by the Association of citizens on the way (Camerino)
  • March 31, prof. Lina Caraceni took part in the online webinar initiative, Legality table "Rights to the limit: prison" organized by the Province of Fermo
  • March 19, the online conference “Contemporary China between philosophy and law. Tradition and innovation in the new Chinese legal culture ", organized by the chair of philosophy and law of the Department of Law (Profs. Stefano Guerra, Carlo Sabbatini and Sirio Zolea) in collaboration with the Confucius Institute and the China Center and followed by the local press (Picchio newsCronache MaceratesiIl Resto del Carlino).
  • March 8, cycle of four lessons within the Sport Project, the professors of the UNIMC Department of Law (Profs. Stefano Pollastrelli and Giuseppe Rivetti) explain the sports associations to the students of the ITE "Gentili".
  • February 24, prof. Romolo Donzelli took part in the online webinar initiative "Substantial and procedural aspects of family law" organized by AIAF Marche and AIAF Umbria
  • February 24, prof. Alessio Bartolacelli took part in the "Water Bottle Hunt" initiative organized by the University of Macerata
  • January 13, prof. Lina Caraceni took part in the online webinar initiative "Civic education: reflections and ideas for school" organized by ISREC (Historical Institute of Resistance and Contemporary Age)
  • January 2021, interview with prof. Francesca Spigarelli on the Beijing 2021 Olympics on Radio Sestina




  • December 18, prof. Lina Caraceni took part in the online webinar initiative "Migration and rights (on the occasion of the international day of migrants' rights)" organized by Officina universitaria MC
  • December 11, prof. Roberto Cisotta took part in the online initiative "The Register of State Aid and the Obligations of Municipalities" organized by the National Association of Tax Offices for Local Authorities (ANUTEL)
  • November 27, prof. Alessio Bartolacelli took part in the SHARPER online initiative, Researchers' night organized by the University of Macerata
  • November 26, prof. Arianna Alpini took part in the online initiative ELSA (European Law Student's Association) ELSA DAY - International Focus Program "Artificial Intelligence and human rights" organized by ELSA (European Law Student's Association) Macerata
  • November 10, prof. Lina Caraceni took part in the online webinar initiative BOOKS BRACING- On board of the Vocabulary of the Ark with the word SALVATION and the ResQ project - PEOPLE SAVING PEOPLE organized by the Educational Cooperation Network
  • September 16, prof. Giovanni Di Cosimo took part in the online debate on constitutional reform organized by the " Le Marche ideali " association, a lesson with high school students from the Medi Lyceum in Senigallia (AN)
  • September 15th prof. Viviana Gaballo took part in the online Expert Task Force initiative - Lifelong Learning Interest Group - Education for Sustainable Development, Lifelong Learning Platform, Erasmus + Program
  • September 01 prof. Chiara Bergonzini and prof. Guido Luigi Canavesi took part in the initiative "The Blue Way. Future between digital innovation and logistic ”organized by Tipicità - Central Adriatic Sea Port System Authority in Ancona
  • July 29 prof. Giuseppe Rivetti took part in the workshop initiative Presentation of the Advantage Taxation Project organized by the Ministry of Economic Development (Rome)
  • July 2, 2020 at 6:15 pm prof. Ninfa Contigiani is present at one of the initiatives of the Digital Village broadcast on Radio Linea 1 and Radio Linea TV. The event is dedicated to "The digital highways: 5G".
  • May 11 prof. Francesca Spigarelli was interviewed by Radio Rai, Rome.
  • May 05 prof. Ninfa Contigiani took part in the online initiative "Services and correct communication". How the relationship between services and citizens in the digital world is changing organized by RED-Digital Education Network (Aps)
  • April 29 prof. Lina Caraceni took part in the online webinar initiative "Covid 19 and prison emergency" organized by association Antigone and ELSA (The European Law Students' Association)
  • April 27 prof. Francesca Spigarelli was interviewed by Radio Popolare Milano
  • 27 March prof. Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti took part in the SHARPER 2020 online initiative - European Researchers' Night organized by the University of Macerata
  • February 26, prof. Stefano Villamena took part in the initiative "The right of access for municipal councilors" organized by the Prefecture of Macerata
  • 09 February prof. Ninfa Contigiani took part in the initiative Inside "The Digital Village": Digital pill on 'Media pillory or digital revolution?' organized by RED Digital Education Network