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Home Courses DEGREE COURSES International degree courses ITALIAN-FRENCH MULTIPLE QUALIFICATION DEGREE COURSE IN LAW with the Univeristy of Orléans


Only one degree course to be awarded multiple degree qualifications! Bi-national course in Italian and French law

The bi-national degree course in Italian and French law – created in collaboration between the Department of Law and the Ecole de droit of the University of Orléans – offers a programme for a new professional figure that will be highly qualified to successfully face the challenges associated with European integration and globalisation, which more and more frequently require the internationalisation of legal studies.

The course aims at ensuring that participants acquire a general legal-comparative knowledge in Italian and French law, the acquisition of a full ability to analyse the meaning of legal norms in systematic associations, as well as the achievement of solid professional skills on European and international levels and the basic tools for professional updating.

The acquisition of skills and competencies is associated with an in-depth knowledge of French, guaranteed by intensive language courses and a direct consequence of mobility, as well as a basic knowledge of English.

To this end, a five-year course is offered. Participating students will attend the courses partially in Italy and partially in France, after which they will be awarded the one-block degree course in Law at the University of Macerata, the Licence en droit in general law - and the Master 1 in private law granted by the University of Orléans. The achievement of the qualifications is subject to the acquisition of all the credits required in the study plan. The qualifications are valid in both countries without any further compliance.

The course is open to students with a good knowledge of French. Access will be granted to a maximum of 5 students. This will allow the intensive and personal education of each student.


Thanks to the special education received, which focuses on the traditional legal professions (lawyer, notary and magistrate), graduates of the bi-national degree course in Italian and French law may carry out professional activities with an elevated level of responsibility relating to international careers, with particular reference to Italian-French relations in the public and private sector.


The study plan is the same as the one for the one-block degree programme in Law, with the difference that, in the years abroad, some courses will be attended at the University of Orléans, where the exams will also be taken.

To facilitate the acquisition of adequate language skills, students enrolled in the bi-national course are expected to attend free supplementary courses in French language held by the University Language Centre.

The overall achievement of qualifications (one-block degree in Law, license en droit and Master 1) is subject to the acquisition of credits as set out in the study plan, including credits relating to passing the final graduation exam, consisting of the defence of a written paper at the University of Macerata. In accordance with predetermined regulations, each University will validate the list of exams and the career of the student. Once validated, the official qualifications will be issued.


The mobility programme courses will be held in the 1st year (a.y. 2017/18), 3rd year (a.y. 2019/20) and 5th year (a.y. 2021/22) at the University of Macerata; the 2nd year (a.y. 2018/19) and 4th year (a.y. 2020/21) courses will be held at the University of Orléans.


As for the University of Macerata, the University of Orléans, in France, boasts one of the oldest and most prestigious traditions in the teaching and study of law.

The Faculty of Law is located within a large and modern university campus, equipped with vast green spaces, as well as a multitude of sports, leisure and recreational facilities. Orléans is one of the oldest French cities, which developed on the banks of the Loire. It is very well connected to Paris, being only an hour away by train.

The University of Orléans will offer students coming from the University of Macerata the same services that are offered to its members, as well as services that are reserved for foreign students (briefings, speak-dating, guided tours, etc.).

Assistance will be also provided for administrative procedures and in seeking adequate accommodation. Students may also be hosted in one of the university residences within Crous d’Orléans (French Agency for assistance to University students).

Students will have free access to University facilities (libraries, language laboratories, research centres, sports facilities, etc…) and will be able to avail of discounts in the University canteens.


Personal expenses, including accommodation, transportation, medical insurance, maintenance of accommodation and any expenses that may arise during the period of stay abroad will be totally covered by the student.

It will be possible to take advantage of the Erasmus grants for a year of mobility.


Admission to the multiple degree course in Italian and French law is managed through a call for applications published on the University website. The selection will essentially be made on the basis of an interview during which the motivational profile and the language skills of the candidate will be evaluated.

For any further information please contact the staff of the Didactic and Students Organisation Unit of the Department of Law:

Francesca Pietrella, Phone number +39 0733-258.2489,

Arrigo Cimica, Phone number +39 0733-258.2440,

and/or Prof. Pamela Lattanzi,