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PRIN 2020 (Unità di ricerca locale)

REACT - Re-shaping the EU integration Agenda after the COVID Turmoil

Coordinatrice nazionale del Progetto di Ricerca: Adelina Adinolfi (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Abstract del Progetto

“L'Europe se fera dans les crises et elle sera la somme des solutions apportées à ces crises” (Jean Monnet, 1976). The overarching purpose of the project is to disentangle the impact that the measures adopted by the European Union to counteract the Covid-crisis have on the governance and the law of the Union, and ultimately on the process of European integration. The pandemic has triggered an unprecedented joint effort of the Union and its Member States, offering an extraordinary occasion to adopt measures that, by providing innovative solutions to improve resilience and foster the recovery, constitute “a new stage in the process of creating an ever closer union among the peoples of Europe” (Article 1 TEU) and a step towards the objective of developing a “social market economy” (Article 3 TEU). Notably, the measures adopted at the Union level since March 2020 are breathing new life into four structural values and principles of the EU legal order: solidarity, sincere cooperation, the rule of law, and the autonomy of the Union vis-à-vis the Member States and in the international scenario. The study of the implications on the content and effectiveness of the abovementioned values and principles of the measures adopted by the Union to counteract the socio-economic repercussions of the pandemic will thus allow evaluating the perspectives of evolution of the European integration process and of the Union’s governance. Four areas that have been profoundly affected by the Covid-crisis will be scrutinized: - the financial structure of the Union, considering both the revenues (old and new own resources, bonds) and the expenditure side (Next Generation EU, other European funds); - the exercise of the “weak competences” of the EU, with special attention to the fields of human health and social and employment policy; - the interplay between EU economic and monetary policies; Ministero dell'Università e della Ricerca MUR - BANDO 2020 - the role played by the EU in the international arena. This analysis will allow identifying the Treaty formal amendments that are essential to consolidate the substantive outcomes achieved so far and to ensure that the integration process advances further. In this respect, the project will follow closely – and provide its input to – the works of the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe. Thanks to the dissemination strategy of the research outcomes, the project will improve the knowledge on the current state and the perspectives of evolution of the European integration process not only by academic scholars, but also by policy and law makers at the EU and Italian level. The civil society will also benefit from the project outcomes. Too often, EU institutions are criticized for their lack of action or for being the reason of national constraints, notably in the economic and social fields. The project will raise the awareness on the respective responsibilities of the EU and national actors, notably the Government’s representatives within the Council.

Unità di ricerca maceratese

  • Gianluca Contaldi (Responsabile)
  • Roberto Cisotta
  • Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti


Assegno di ricerca:

  • Cristina Grieco - “REACT - Rimodellare l'agenda di integrazione UE dopo la crisi del COVID” (2023)





Position Papers: