Biblioteca giuridica Law Library
(including the libraries of Italian and Comparative Private and Labour Law, Civil procedure, Roman Law, History, Philosophy of Law and Ecclesiastical law, International Law and EU Law and the Library of Law Periodicals “Emeroteca giuridica” )
- Central Building Piaggia dell’Università 2 - 62100 Macerata:
- Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-19.00
Biblioteca di Diritto e procedura penale Library of criminal law and procedure
- Building Via Garibaldi, 20 - 62100 Macerata
- Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-13.00; Tuesday and Thursday 14.30-17.30
Biblioteca di studi storici Library of Historical Studies
- Building Via Garibaldi, 20 - 62100 Macerata
- Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-13.00; Tuesday and Thursday 14.30-17.30
Library of the Workshop of Forensic, toxicological Chemistry and Medicine
- Building Via Don Minzoni, 9 - 62100 Macerata
- Opening hours: Wednesday 9.00-13.00
Biblioteca del Centro di Documentazione Europea European Documentation Centre (EDC) Library
- Central Building Piaggia dell’Università 2 - 62100 Macerata:
- Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-19.00
The International and European Union Law Section of the Legal Library curates a page dedicated to the main open access periodicals relating to the relevant scientific sector:
The following collections are kept in the various Sections of the Legal Library:
Library of Historical Studies
- Fondo Marsili Feliciangeli Marsili Feliciangeli Collection - Part of the collection, kept in the former Institute of historical studies, contains mainly ancient monographs published between the Sixteenth and Eighteenth centuries. It mostly regards legal works selected by the owners for specific educational and professional needs.
- Fondo Mario Sbriccoli Mario Sbriccoli Collection - (about 10,000 volumes). About 600 volumes of the collection refer to sources of ius commune (1400-1789) with a prevalence of volumes dedicated to criminal law and to the doctrine of criminalists. About 3,200 volumes contain the works of jurists published in the Nineteenth and Twentieth centuries also with a strong focus on criminal law. The remaining volumes, published primarily in the second half of 1900, deal with legal history, law, philosophy and social sciences. There is also a large number of periodicals concerning historical- juridical matters. In 2011 the huge ancient collection was properly placed in a renovated room that allows scholars and students an easier and more appropriate access to the Collection.
- Fondo Biblioteca di eccellenza del Laboratorio Antoine Barnave Library of excellence of Antoine Barnave Laboratory - (about 8400 volumes). The collection has volumes referring to the constitutional history of the XVII- XX centuries: they include interesting treatises, books, legislative bills and acts , pamphlets published in Europe and America and related to the government science, to reflections on public powers, to relations between government/subjects-citizens, local autonomies. The Barnave library keeps original editions of rare texts, difficult to find in other Italian cities and now hardly available even in Paris: it is here sufficient to mention, among them all, the complete collection of the "Moniteur universel " from the Revolution to the advent to the throne of Louis Philippe of Orléans (1789-1830) .
Library of Roman law
- Fondo Orestano Orestano Collection - (about 2630 volumes and 8054 extracts ). The collection contains legal books, including a valuable gathering of extracts; a considerable part of the volumes is related to the sources of ius commune.
- Fondo Raggi Raggi Collection - (approximately 1,321 volumes and 818 extracts ). The Luigi Raggi library reflects probably one of the most significant aspects of the personality of its owner, who didn’t ignore any cultural experience: together with books regarding specifically the Roman Law, there are books about poetry, music, literature, history of art; and, moreover, essays on the latest and most recent currents of modern thought, including logics, structuralism, linguistics.
Library of History, Philosophy of Law, Ecclesiastical Law
- Fondo D’Avack D’Avack Collection - (about 2170 volumes) . The collection includes volumes concerning theology, ecclesiastical and canon law. Several volumes date back to 1500, 1600 and 1700. There are folders with miscellaneous publications and extracts regarding topics on theology, ecclesiastical and canon law which were only partly electronically catalogued.
Library of Italian and comparative private and labour law
- Fondo Recchi Recchi Collection - (563 volumes). The volumes of the Recchi Collection have mostly a monographic character and are interesting for agricultural law, referring in particular to the last century; they enhance and complete the rich section of agricultural law located in the Library of Italian and comparative private and labour law.
Library of Legal Medicine and Insurance
- Fondo Attilio Ascarelli Attilio Ascarelli Collection - (322 volumes and a variety of documentary materials). The books deal with criminology, forensic medicine and toxicology while the documentary material available is that collected during the work of exhumation and identification of victims of the Fosse Ardeatine, which also includes some relevant documents found by Ascarelli in the victims’ clothes.
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