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EU Projects



Title: AIcoIP: Deepening the Possible Impact of Artificial Intelligence Systems on EU Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights

Funding Program: Erasmus Plus - Jean Monnet Activities - Jean Monnet Chair

Project Reference: ERASMUS-JMO-2024-HEI-TCH-RSCH

Principal Investigator: Gianluca Contaldi

Role of UniMC: Coordinator

Duration: 01.12.2024 - 30.11.2027

Brief Description:
The JM module "Deepening the Possible Impact of Artificial Intelligence Systems on EU Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights" (AIcoIP) aims to address the potential impact of artificial intelligence, specifically concerning European competition law and intellectual property rights. Artificial intelligence is a disruptive technology expected to profoundly affect society, reshaping structures and priorities.

The relationship between the use of AI systems and competition law and intellectual property rights has become a highly relevant topic in recent years. At this pivotal moment, political leaders face critical choices that will influence how citizens perceive artificial intelligence—either as a resource or a threat—and determine the European Union's ability to establish itself as a global regulatory leader. The recently adopted AI Act, which currently stands as a unique framework on the global stage, highlights the EU's distinct approach.

These decisions involve elements of preservation, particularly safeguarding the EU's core values, alongside innovative aspects that remain relatively unknown to the general public but are set to have a profound impact on citizens' lives and the protection of their fundamental rights, given the unique characteristics of the technology at hand.

Moreover, the JM module aims to contribute to the further development—through in-depth analysis—of the EU’s common framework in this area, focusing on the shared set of values, principles, and rights that will form the backbone of any future initiatives. These objectives will be achieved through educational activities supported and complemented by research efforts.

The goal of the Jean Monnet Module is to increase knowledge of these issues by disseminating the research conducted by the Module Leader and other team members to students, PhD candidates, academics, lawyers, public officials, policymakers, and civil society stakeholders.

Total Cost: €35,000.00
EU Contribution: €35,000.00
EU Contribution to UniMC: €35,000.00



Title: ENPOWER: Enhancing Scientific Capacity for Energy Poverty

Funding Program: Horizon Europe - Widening Participation and Strengthening the European Research Area

Project Reference: GA 101160253

Principal Investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

UniMC Role: Partner

Consortium: Univerzitet u Banjoj Luci (BA) - Coordinator; Sustainable Innovation Technology Services Ltd (IE), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE), Tilburg University (NL).

Duration: 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2027

Brief Description:
Today, over 41 million EU citizens are unable to access essential energy services and suffer from energy poverty. This has led the European Commission (EC) to consider energy poverty a significant social challenge. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, approximately 70% of households are classified as energy poor. It is widely recognized that addressing energy poverty can have multiple benefits, including improvements in health, air quality, comfort, and well-being, while also enhancing household budgets and fostering economic growth and prosperity in the region.

Solutions to energy poverty are tied to advancements in energy efficiency, requiring long-term, sector-specific interventions that address the various root causes of energy vulnerability and impact other policy areas, such as energy, social, health, and economic justice, CO2 emission reduction, and other macroeconomic domains. Tackling this issue in any country necessitates close collaboration across multiple sectors, including research, technology, policy, law, innovation, sociology, and economics.

For this reason, solutions to eradicate energy poverty demand an innovative, interdisciplinary, and structural approach, with strong cooperation across countries and sectors. ENPOWER will lead transformative change in Bosnia and Herzegovina by strengthening the scientific reputation, attractiveness, and networking capacity of the University of Banja Luka. This will be achieved by supporting its innovation and research excellence in energy poverty and energy justice, sustainable buildings, energy efficiency, smart energy systems, human capital development, and the application of innovative approaches.

ENPOWER will promote co-creative solutions with businesses and policymakers, while engaging diverse innovation ecosystems through the newly established Building Advisory System Living Lab, which will be developed in cooperation with renowned EU partners with established scientific excellence.

Total Cost: €1,498,443.34
EU Contribution: €1,498,443.34
EU Contribution to UniMC: €249,588.36





Title: AccEnt - Accelerating Innovation and Entrepreneurial Excellence in Higher Education Institutes

Funding Program: Erasmus Plus

Project Reference: HEI Grant Agreement No. 10047

Principal Investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

UniMC Role: Partner

Consortium: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE), Marie Skłodowska Curie University (PL), Thomas More University of Applied Sciences (BE), Pablo de Olavide University (ES), Fontys University of Applied Sciences (NL), IDEAS Forward (GR), Lutsk National Technical University of Ukraine (UA), and I.I. Mechnikov National University of Odessa (UA).

Duration: 01.07.2022 - 30.06.2024

Brief Description:
The AccEnt project aims to enhance the entrepreneurial performance of all consortium members in close collaboration with their regional partners. The project focuses on improving and expanding core entrepreneurial activities at three different levels: students (entrepreneurship); faculty and researchers (founders, academic spin-offs); and ecosystems (scale-up, open innovation).
AccEnt seeks to increase impact by improving and extending current practices and by elevating the dynamics of the knowledge triangle at a European scale with relevant initiatives from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and its Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).

Total Cost: €1,199,491.00

EU Contribution: €1,199,491.00

EU Contribution to UniMC: €106,425.00




Funding programme: Horizon 2020 - Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions - Individual Fellowships

Project reference: 101031252-CLIMOVE-H2020-MSCA-IF-2020

Principal investigator: Susana Borras Pentinat

Supervisor: Angela Cossiri

Role UniMC: Coordinator

Duration: 01.04.2022 - 31.03.2023

Short description: The overall aim of this fellowship is to provide a comprehensive and innovative socio-legal analysis of climate change-induced migration in the EU from a gender perspective. The project’s scientific importance lies in its original contribution as the first multi-disciplinary study to propose these new socio-legal avenues at EU level, necessary to properly recognize and protect climate gendered migration.

Total cost: € 85.736,64

EU contribution: 85.736,64

EU contribution to UniMC: € 85.736,64




Title: TRUST - digital TuRn in EUrope: Strengthening relational reliance through Technology

Funding Program: H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions-RISE

Project Reference: 101007820-TRUST-H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020

Principal investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

Role UniMC: Coordinator

Consortium: Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (B), Universidad Carlos III De Madrid (ES), Institut Mines-Telecom (FR), Università Politecnica Delle Marche (IT), Ono Academic College Association (IL), Montimage Eurl (FR), Grottini Lab S.R.L. (IT), Region De Murcia (ES), Beijing Normal University (CN), Edna Pasher Phd And Associates Management Consultants Ltd (IL)

Duration: 01.09.2021 - 31.08.2025

Short description: TRUST promotes an interdisciplinary research program, involving academic and non-academic institutions, in order to understand the role of trust in the implementation of digital technologies and suggest actual means of development. Assuming that the digital transformation of European society can be fully achieved only if technologies evolve in a trustworthy environment, the project analyses the mutual influence between trust and digital technologies in order to raise relational reliance in people-to-people, people-to-business and people-to-authorities interactions. The attention is on blockchain technology (BCT) as one of the most relevant forms of Distributed Ledger Technology. BCT is considered a trust-building machine as it creates new forms of relational reliance. BCT projects the issue of trust in a new dimension that we intend to explore, in adherence with the initiatives and key actions promoted by the EC in the Communication “Shaping Europe’s digital future” (COM (2020) 67final), where it is remarked that trust and digital transformation of society go hand-in-hand. The research and knowledge transfer programme evolves around key topics, such as: the development of a suitable regulatory framework for the effective integration of BTC in a trust-based society; the transition towards a fair and competitive peer to peer economy; the applications of BTC in the field of AI, to assure security and trust; the development of new models of collaborative governance for smart and trust-based cities.
The consortium gathers expertise from different backgrounds (legal, economic, engineering), belonging to EU countries, as well as Israel and China. Complementary research perspectives, innovative training and international/intersectoral cooperation will boost staff careers development by studying how the use of digital technologies can shape a trustworthy European environment, in which citizens are empowered in how they act and interact, and promote economic growth as well.

Total cost: € 1.025.800,00

EU contribution: € 998.200,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 156.400,0

Project website:




Title: JEAN MONNET CHAIR, three-year project “Business Law in the European Union and Sustainable Economy

Grant Program: Jean Monnet - Activities 2020 EAC/A02/2019

Project Reference: 620102-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPJMO-CHAIR

Academic coordinator: Alessio Bartolacelli

Duration: 1.9.2020 - 31.08.2023

Short description: The theme of this Jean Monnet Chair is the interaction between domestic and European law with reference to the sustainable economy. The chair is made up, for each of the three years of duration, of three courses held by the Chair Holder in the single-cycle master's degree in Law (MZ Commercial Law and European Company Law, the latter in English) and in the master's degree in Science Law for Innovation (Advanced Corporate Law and Sustainable Economy), as well as a cycle of seminars in the doctoral course in Law and Innovation. In addition to these fundamental activities, the key teaching staff of the chair will take care of the realization of over thirty events - both scientific and informative and open to the population - on different profiles of sustainability in its historical and ethical, as well as legal and economic dimensions.

Total cost: € 50.000,00

EU contribution: € 50.000,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 50.000,00




Title: Transition towards urban sustainability through socially integrative cities in the EU and in China

Grant Program: H2020-SC6-ENG-GLOBALLY-08-2016-2017

Project Reference: 770141

Principal investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

Role of UniMC: Linked Third Party

Consortium: Leibniz-Institut Fur Okologische Raumentwicklung EV (Coordinator - DE), Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AT), EUROCITIES ASBL (BE), Israel Smart Cities Institute (IL), ISTITUTO DI STUDI PER L'INTEGRAZIONE DEI SISTEMI SC (IT), NORGES TEKNISK-NATURVITENSKAPELIGE UNIVERSITET NTNU (N TRONDHE01), Politecnico di Torino - Torino (IT), TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET DRESDEN (DE), China Academy of Urban Planning and Design (CN), Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CN), Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development (CN), China Center for Urban Development (CN), Tongji University (CN), Tsinghua University (CN)

Duration: 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2020

Short description: The key objective of TRANS-URBAN-EU-CHINA is to help policy makers, urban authorities, real estate developers, public service providers and citizens in China to create socially integrative cities in an environmentally friendly and financially viable way. Moreover, it will help urban stakeholders in Europe to reflect and eventually reconsider their approaches towards sustainable urbanisation.

Total cost: € 2.499.993,75

EU contribution: € 2.499.993,75

EU contribution to UniMC: € 41.975,00

Project website:





Title: HEART: HEalth related Activity Recognition system based on IoT – an interdisciplinary training program for young researchers

Grant Program: H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions-ITN

Project Reference: 766139-HEART-H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017

Principal investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

Role of UniMC: Coordinator


Duration:01.09.2017 - 31.08.2021

Short description: A current trend in health care is about preventing chronic disease by changing behavior towards healthier lifestyle choices. This is supported by the increased use of wearable sensors and Internet devices (IoT). Recognition of human activity and monitoring of vital signs play a significant role in adapting coaching solutions for each individual's personal health and behavior change. It also pose a number of technical, legal and socioeconomic questions, which must be resolved to allow for a viable business solution.

Total cost: € 1.527.991, 20

EU contribution: € 1.527.991, 20

EU contribution to UniMC: € 516.122,64

Project website:



Title: ALICE: AcceLerate Innovation in urban wastewater management for Climate changE

Grant Program: H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions-RISE

Project Reference: 734560-ALICE-H2020-MSCA-RISE-2016

Principal investigator: Erik Longo

Role of UniMC: Partner

Consortium: University Of Ulster (Coordinator-UK), Northern Ireland Water Ltd (UK), the Queen's University of Belfast (UK), Dublin City University (IE), Dionergy Ltd (IE), Basque Centre For Climate Change - Klima Aldaketa Ikergai (ES), Centro de Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales Y Tecnologicas-Ciemat (ES), Region De Murcia (ES), Redinn Srl (IT), Aset (IT), University of Cyprus (CY), Militos Symvouleutiki A.E. (GR)

Duration: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020

Short description: The challenges facing society in urban wastewater management cannot be solved by one sector alone. ALICE (AcceLerate Innovation in urban wastewater management for Climate changE) will accelerate innovation by bringing together and exchanging knowledge between key players who can, together, face future techno-economic, governance and social challenges arising from climate change. It will enhance the international and interdisciplinary skills as well as the career perspective of experienced researchers, early stage researchers and the workforce of industry, water services and public organizations.

Total cost:€ 900.000,00

EU contribution: € 900.000,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 99.000,00

Project website:

The link to the video on the results achieved by the project:






Title: ALHTOUR: Assisted living technologies for the health tourism sector

Grant Program: Horizon 2020 - Spreading excellence and widening participation

Project Reference: 692311

Principal investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

Role of UniMC: Partner

Consortium: Universidade de Lisboa (Coordinator - PT), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (BE), Universiteit Maastricht (NL)

Duration: 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2018

Short description: The ALHTOUR project aims to strengthen and stimulate scientific excellence and innovation capacity in technologies for independent living, applied to health tourism at UL (Portugal), preparing the creation of a "Health Tourism Living Lab", identified as a key driver for territorial development. The twinning action will activate a knowledge transfer process that leverages the academic excellence of KUL (Belgium), UM (Netherlands) and UNIMC (Italy), as well as the complementarities and synergies between smart specialization strategies (SSS) of the 4 regions involved. In this way, ALHTOUR will help strengthen UL's triple helix cooperation capabilities and support the implementation of SSS in the UL region. Consequently, this twinning could become an example of territorial development for other regions and organizations dealing with knowledge in Europe. To achieve these objectives, ALHTOUR is developed in two phases of action characterized by: - ​​a multidisciplinary approach, supported by the social sciences and the humanities; - constant and active involvement of the various stakeholders and the business community; - a process of mutual learning and cooperation, to the benefit of all partner institutions. The collaborative activity plan includes: staff exchanges, academic symposia, job shadowing and inter-functional tutoring, joint business seminars, lunch & learn events, summer school, Venture Lab on health tourism. Regarding the work program, ALTHOUR contributes to the priority given to "personalization of health and care" as a form of response to the challenge "Health, demographic change and well-being". Synergies are also relevant within smart cities and communities. Finally, ALTHOUR is in line with the European partnership for innovation on active and healthy aging, the objectives of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Program and the attention paid by the EC to the opportunities offered by the Silver Economy.

Total cost: €  1.175.205,00

EU contribution: € 1.175.205,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 277.682,50

Project website:




Title: GRAGE: Grey and green in Europe: elderly living in urban areas

Grant Program: H2020-Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions-RISE

Project Reference: 645706-GRAGE-H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014

Principal investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

Role of UniMC: Coordinator

Consortium: University of Utrecht, Militos Emerging Techonology & Service, European Quality Institute, University of Oulu, Waag Society, City of Oulu and Environment Service, Institute of Environmental Planning and Spatial Development, Ulster University, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv

Duration: 01.12.2014 - 30.11.2018

Short description: The project aims to provide an overall vision of urban planning solutions aimed at the aging society. Relevant in this regard will be the direct involvement of the stakeholders in the construction of this analysis, guaranteeing an interdisciplinary approach as the main method of investigation.

Total cost: € 828.000,00

EU contribution: € 828.000,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 198.000,00

Project website:

Project UNIMC material (guidelines, templates...)



Title: CHETCH: China and Europe taking care of healthcare solutions

Grant Program: 7PQ-People-Marie Curie-IRSES

Project Reference: PIRSES-GA-2013-612589

Principal investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

Role of UniMC: Partner

Consortium: Università Politecnica delle Marche (Coordinatore - IT),  Vrije Universiteit Brussel (BE), Fundacio Europea de Medicina Tradicional Xinesa (ES), Università degli Studi di Ferrara (IT), Associazione Medici Agopuntori Bolognesi (IT), Beijing Normal University (CN), South China University of Technology (CN), East China University of Political Science and Law (CN), Hunan University (CN).

Duration: 01.01.2014 - 31.12.2017

Short description: The research project intends to actively contribute to cooperation between Europe and China, investigating opportunities for mutual integration in the health sector. Cooperation and potential synergies will be examined from a global perspective, including policies at national and local level, the legal environment, medical practices, healthcare industries and related activities. An interdisciplinary approach is followed. Researchers in the areas of social sciences and humanities will compare European and Chinese health systems at different levels, including value systems and ethical issues. The economic expert will analyze the integration achieved so far in the health sector (eg technologies, pharmaceuticals, etc.) on the basis of foreign direct investments, trade and microeconomic data. Typical cost-benefit tools will be used to assess the economic impact of integrating Western Medicine (OM) and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practices, supporting the medical team of experts. Legal tools will help define plausible obstacles and solutions that can be generated by the regulatory environment, as well as appropriate solutions to improve collaboration at the institutional, medical and corporate levels. The team of medical experts will study the best practices of traditional medical systems using a modern scientific framework. The team will develop a process of scientific recognition and validation of TCM with respect to complementary alternative medicine, at different levels.

Total cost: € 688.800,00

EU contribution: € 688.800,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 220.500,00

Project website:

Project UNIMC material (guidelines, templates...)


The Europeanization of Private International Law of Successions

Title: The Europeanization of Private International Law of Successions

Grant Program: DG JUSTICE - Civil Justice

Project Reference: JUST/2013/JCIV/AG/4710

Principal investigator: Ermanno Calzolaio

Role of UniMC: Partner

Consortium: Università di Roma "La Sapienza" (IT-Coordinatore), Università di Bologna (IT), Institut fuer internationales and auslaendisches Privatrecht der Universitaet zu Koeln (DE), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (ES-associato)

Duration: 01.01.2014 - 30.09.2015

Short description: The project aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the advantages and challenges inherent in the Europeanisation of private international law in the field of succession. The topic has recently been the subject of EU Regulation no. 650 of 4 July 2012 on jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and execution of decisions and acceptance and execution of public acts in matters of succession, as well as the establishment of a European Certificate of Succession. The aforementioned Regulation, albeit formally in force from the usual delay of twenty days from its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union, will apply, according to the general rule laid down by its article 83, par. 1, to the succession of people who died from 17 August 2015 onwards. Consequently, the project aims to provide potential users of the new regime of private international law introduced by the Regulation, and among those notaries, judges, holders of public documents and lawyers, timely guidance on the most significant and problematic aspects of the rules incorporated into the Regulation, taken on their own and in coordination with other applicable legal rules, contained either in other regulations or in different instruments adopted by the EU institutions or in international conventions to which any of the Member States is a party.

Total cost: € 156.513,63

EU contribution: 76.253,44

EU contribution to UniMC: € 5.658,52




Title: POREEN: Partnering Opportunities between Europe and China in the Renewable Energies and Environmental industries

Grant Program: 7PQ-People-Marie Curie-IRSES

Project Reference: PIRSES-GA-2012-318908

Principal investigator: Francesca Spigarelli

Role of UniMC: Coordinator

Consortium: Bejing Normal University (CN), Università Politecnica delle Marche (IT), Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de Toulose (FR), Ass. Istituto universitario Studi europei (IT), University of Ulster (UK), East China University of Political Science and Law (CN), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (CN), Tongji University (CN)

Duration: 01.01.2013 - 31.12.2016

Short description: The research project aims to integrate and combine economic, legal and engineering skills to analyze the level of economic cooperation reached so far between China and Europe in the renewable energy and environment sectors and to identify specific areas to increase partnership opportunities. The first focuses on trade and investment flows and aims to identify criticalities, gaps and potentials in Europe-China relations. The main effects of the Europe-China agreements on foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade flows are examined. The problems encountered and the opportunities to be seized at the company level will also be analyzed. Economic analysis is supported and enriched by engineering and legal perspectives. Engineering knowledge is essential to concretely define sectors, products and processes with high implementation potential. The engineering research activity is focused on two main research areas, both related to energy efficiency and carbon dioxide reduction: mobility and the transport sector and low carbon buildings.

Total cost: € 718.200,00

EU contribution: € 718.200,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 100.800,00

Project website:

Project UNIMC material (guidelines, templates...)


Protecting young suspects in interrogations

Title: Protecting young suspects in interrogations: a study on safeguards and best practice

Grant Program: DG JUSTICE-Criminal Justice

Project Reference: JUST/2011/JPEN/AG/2909

Principal investigator: Claudia Cesari

Role of UniMC: Partner

Consortium: Maastricht University (NL -Coordinator), Uniwersitet Jagellonski w Krakowie (PL), Universiteit Antwerpen (BE), University of Warwick (UK)

Duration: 01.02.2013 - 31.01.2015

Short description: The overall aim of the project is to strengthen the effective protection of the rights of young people under investigation by providing minimum rules to be applied across the EU. To this end, the project has the immediate objective of contributing to the discussion on the drafting of a European legal instrument on the subject and its possible correct implementation.

To achieve the general objective, the project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

1. To obtain a detailed insight into existing legal procedural safeguards providing protection to young suspects during interrogation by conducting a comparative legal study in 5 selected Member States;

2. Explore in depth the variety of current practices through empirical research in the 5 selected Member States;

3. Draw up a proposal for minimum rules and good practices across the EU.

The first and second specific objectives aim to increase knowledge and understanding of the existing procedural guarantees provided to suspected children during interrogation. This will be achieved by providing a clear and detailed picture of the relevant procedural safeguards in a selection of EU Member States representing the current variety of juvenile criminal justice systems. Furthermore, the project will offer a critical analysis of the legal norms in light of the existing practice to assess whether the practice is in line with the rules established by the law and to improve the practical implementation of guarantees where and when needed. With the third specific objective the project aims to promote and implement optimal standards for effective protection of minors during interrogation across the EU through the formulation of a proposal for minimum rules and best practices. Effective implementation of the proposal will be pursued by developing practical tools for effective application and by creating an international forum of professionals for the exchange of experience and knowledge.

Total cost: € 469.848,98

EU contribution: € 375.606,58

EU contribution to UniMC: € 47.583,22

Project website:




Title: OPTIMALE: Optimising professional translator training in a multilingual Europe

Grant Program: LLP-Erasmus

Project Reference: 2010-4018/001-001

Principal investigator: Viviana Gaballo

Role of UniMC: Partner

Consortium: Université Rennes 2 (FR - coordinator), Aston University (UK), Universitates Babes-Bolyai (RO), Dublin City University (IE), Ecole Supérieure d'Interprètes et de Traducteurs (FR), Haute Ecole Léonard de Vinci (BE)

Duration: 01.10.2010 - 30.09.2013

Short description: OPTIMALE addresses one of the key challenges of a multilingual and multicultural Europe: how to ensure that its universities continue to produce the high-level professionals that community translation services and the translation industry need, to adapt to social conditions and rapidly changing market.

Total cost: € 1.007.980,00

EU contribution: : € 599.760,00

EU contribution to UniMC: € 3.200,00

Project website: