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Scientific Events

... Faculty members of the Department abroad







  • December 7-8, Prof. Luigi Lacchè participated in the conference Punir moins pour punir mieux? La culture juridique du libéralisme pénal. Doctrine, lois et pratiques (XVIIIe-XXIe siècles) at the Institut et Musée Voltaire in Geneva, Switzerland, organized by the University of Geneva. His presentation was titled “Le libéralisme pénal et le constitutionnalisme: trois générations de juristes (Francesco Carrara, Enrico Pessina, Luigi Lucchini) dans le débat italien.”
  • December 4, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the seminar Chips dominance: How Industrial Policies are affecting the Global Production and Supply Chains organized by CASS, Beijing (China). Her presentation was titled “Chips dominance: How Industrial Policies are affecting the Global Production and Supply Chains.”
  • December 1, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the conference The role of policies in shaping cities’ development organized by the University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China. Her presentation was titled “The role of industrial policies in shaping cities’ development.”
  • November 27-29, Prof. Lorenzo Compagnucci participated in the AccEnt project Sixth Consortium Meeting organized by Universidad Pablo de Olavide in Seville, Spain. His presentation was titled “Improving the services for innovation: A roadmap for Technology Transfer Offices.”
  • October 26, Prof. Angela Cossiri participated in the International Scientific Conference "Animal Welfare. A Legal Perspective" organized by the University of Lublin, Poland. Her presentation was titled “The Reform of the Italian Constitution in 2022: From Continuous Improvement to Incremental Innovation.”
  • October 20-21, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in the conference Ausnahmezustand und Ausnahmezustände zwischen Antike und Moderne. Internationale und interdisziplinäre Tagung organized by FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg in Erlangen, Germany. His presentation was titled “Quae ultimum ac maximum telum est. Die necessitas im römischen Rechtsdenken.”
  • October 16-18, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in the International Memorial Course Marko Petrak Roman Legal Tradition And Contemporary Legal Systems organized by the University of Zagreb in Dubrovnik, Croatia. His presentation was titled “In re praesenti. Roman jurisprudence and administration between the Republic and early Principate.”
  • October 11-12, Prof. Lorenzo Compagnucci participated in the ERUA Summit 2023 - Why Universities? Re-imagining Higher Education and Research International Scientific Conference KDP “Communication. Disinformation. Propaganda. Information Warfare Ecosystem” organized by Roskilde University, Denmark. His presentation was titled “Uncovering the potential of industrial doctorates for societal engagement: a systematic literature review and future research agenda.”
  • October 7-8, Prof. Giorgia Vulpiani participated in the II Congreso Internacional Jóvenes Civilistas “Los nuevos retos del derecho contractual organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain. Her presentation was titled “Frammentazione della nullità del contratto e sanabilità.”
  • October 4-6, Prof. Arianna Maceratini participated in the online international conference CUICIID 2023, Congreso Universitario sobre Comunicación, Innovación, Investigación y Docencia organized by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) et al. Her presentation was titled “Online hate speech: IT and juridical contrast of a growing phenomenon.”
  • September 20, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the conference Economic Statecraft and Industrial Policies organized by the University of Berkeley (USA). Her presentation was titled “How Industrial Policies are affecting the Global Production and Supply Chains.”
  • September 11, Prof. Romolo Donzelli participated in the conference Presente e futuro da tutela coletiva no Brasil e na Italia organized by Puc-sp, São Paulo, Brazil. His presentation was titled “Le infelici sorti della tutela collettiva in Italia.”
  • September 6-8, Prof. Mariano Cingolani participated in the Triennial IOFOS Congress of Forensic Odonto-Stomatology organized by the University of Zagreb in Dubrovnik, Croatia. His presentation was titled “A pilot study on post-mortem determination of drug abuse on dental tissues.”
  • August 22, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the seminar Italy-India Cooperation organized by Goenka University in New Delhi, India. Her presentation was titled “Industrial policies and their role for promoting structural change.”
  • July 5, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Adolf Berger, un romanista cosmopolita, a conference at the Centre for Research on Ancient Civilizations, University of Warsaw (Poland).
  • June 26-28, Prof. Francesco Gambino participated in the Team-building ORC Workshop on Storytelling & Imaginaires of Mafias organized by Université Côte d'Azur, Nice (France). His presentation was titled "Racconto criminale e dimensioni della giuridicità."
  • June 26-28, Prof. Massimo Meccarelli participated in the Team-building ORC Workshop on Storytelling & Imaginaires of Mafias organized by Université Côte d'Azur, Nice (France). His presentation was titled "Estetica ed etica del Diritto."
  • June 26, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the World Food Day conference organized by the Italian Embassy in Beijing, China. Her presentation was titled "Food Industry and Blockchain: from Traceability to Customer Care."
  • June 19-20, Prof. Ermanno Calzolaio participated in the conference Data privacy, data property, and data sharing: an interdisciplinary dialogue for post-pandemic transnational research organized by the Brocher Foundation in Geneva (Switzerland). His presentation was titled "Who owns data?"
  • June 19, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Beschlüsse des römischen Senats zu religiösen Fragen in der frühen Kaiserzeit, a conference presentation on the topic "Recht und Religion" at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church of Hungary, Budapest (Hungary).
  • June 12-13, Prof. Lorenzo Compagnucci participated in the AccEnt project Fifth Consortium Meeting organized by Fontys University, Eindhoven (Netherlands). His presentation was titled "Improving Technology Transfer Offices."
  • June 8-9, Prof. Serena Mariani participated in the SICCL - Planting Seeds for the Future of Intellectual Property Law Conference organized by the University of Sheffield - Sheffield Institute for Corporate and Commercial Law (SICCL), UK. Her presentation was titled "Plant variety protection and PRM legislation in the EU: exploring interactions and future scenarios."
  • June 7, Prof. Massimo Meccarelli participated in the Ciclo de conferencias virtuales del Grupo Interdisciplinario de Trabajo sobre Historia del Derecho Local "Víctor Tau Anzoátegui" organized by Hdl - Grupo Interdisciplinario de Trabajo sobre Historia del Derecho Local "Víctor Tau Anzoátegui". His presentation was titled "El derecho local y los lugares de ocurrencia de la historia jurídica. Algunas hipótesis de investigación."
  • May 26-27, Prof. Luigi Lacchè participated in the Transnational Exchange in the Development of Criminal Law Thought: Western Europe and the United States, 19th and 20th Centuries workshop at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France, organized by Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris - Stanford University. His presentation was titled "The Reform of Criminal Justice in Italy between the End of the Liberal State and Fascism: Transnational Perspectives between the USA and Italy (1919-1945)."
  • May 26, Prof. Chiara Feliziani participated in the conference Sobre los retos de futuro del empleo público organized by the Faculty of Law, University of Oviedo, Spain. Her presentation was titled "Amministrazione difensiva: un approccio applicativo."
  • May 25-26, Prof. Angela Cossiri participated in the International Scientific Conference "Communication.Disinformation.Propaganda. Information Warfare Ecosystem" organized by the Faculty of Administration and National Security of Jakub of Paradies University, Gorzow Wielkopolski (Poland), the Baltic Defense College, Tartu (Estonia), the University of Tartu (Estonia), the Estonian Military Academy (Estonia), Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech), and the Institute of Public Administration and Social Policy at the Faculty of Public Policy, Silesian University in Opava (Czechia), and Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Ukraine), conducted via MS Teams platform.
  • May 26, Prof. Chiara Feliziani participated in the Convegno Sobre los retos de futuro del empleo público, presenting a talk titled "Amministrazione difensiva: un approccio applicativo," Faculty of Law, University of Oviedo, Spain.
  • May 25, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Forme, contenuti, evoluzione e tradizione delle deliberazioni senatorie romane (II sec. a.C.- III sec. d.C.), a doctoral lecture at the Faculty of Law, University of Seville, Spain.
  • May 18, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Il divieto di donazione fra coniugi fra diritto romano e ordinamenti contemporanei, a conference at the Faculty of Law, University of Seville, Spain.
  • May 12-13, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri presented a report titled "La 'préservation' des mers et océans" at the Colloque international de Monaco - L’obligation des États de protéger et préserver le milieu marin organized by INDEMER, Monaco.
  • May 4-5, Prof. Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti participated in the IX Congreso internacional de derecho internacional privado de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid titled "Propuesta de reglamento europeo en materia de filiación." His presentation was titled "Recognition of Filiation Established in Other Member States pursuant to the European Commission’s Proposal and the Italian Position in Terms of Public Policy."
  • April 26-27, Prof. Paolo Sernani participated in the 5th International Conference Recent Trends and Applications in Computer Science RTA-CSIT organized by the University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Informatics, Albania. His presentation was titled "Combining a mobile deep neural network and a recurrent layer for violence detection in videos."
  • April 15, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the International Symposium on Enterprise Digital Transformation: Practices in Europe and China, organized by Beijing Normal University, China. The title of her presentation was "The role of blockchain technology to increase competitiveness of firms and loyalty of customers: the case of the agrifood sector."
  • April 14, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the seminar Innovation and Education organized by Beijing Normal University, China. The title of her presentation was "The role of Universities for innovation and local development: the contribution of social science and humanities."
  • April 14, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the conference Cultural Heritage Restoration and Conservation, organized by the Italian Embassy in Beijing, China. The title of her presentation was "Technology and valorization of cultural heritage: a case from the Trust project."
  • April 13, Prof. Monica Stronati participated in the workshop Law and Diversity: European and Latin American Experiences from a Legal Historical Perspective organized by the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. The title of her presentation was "Comment on Raquel Sirotti, Beyond political crimes: the dynamics of political repression in the Brazilian First Republic (1889-1930)."
  • March 29, Prof. Ermanno Calzolaio participated in the conference La Cour de cassation comme vecteur d'un changement de tradition juridique organized by Université Panthéon Assas in Paris, France. The title of his presentation was "Le style des arrêts de la Cour de cassation."
  • March 13-17, Prof. Massimo Meccarelli participated in the XII Congresso Brasileiro de História do Direito: Processos, Métodos, Dados organized by the Instituto Brasileiro de História do Direito in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The title of his presentation was "O pluralismo jurídico como problema historiográfico: o laboratório brasileiro."
  • March 13, Prof. Massimo Meccarelli participated in the workshop Mobilização jurídica e política de memória. Perspectivas para a história do direito organized by the University of Brasilia in Brasilia, Brazil. The title of his presentation was "Configurare il passato: la storia, la memoria, il diritto e il problema della coesione sociale."
  • February 22, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri gave a presentation titled "The contribution of African and American organizations, bodies, and conventional regimes to the development of the law of the sea" at the conference "THE PRESENCE OF INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS IN THE EVOLUTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAW OF THE SEA: THIRTY YEARS SINCE THE ENTRY INTO FORCE OF UNCLOS," organized by the University of A Coruña, Spain.
  • February 8, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Von Lwiw nach New York: Der Rechtswissenschaftler Adolf Berger, a conference at the Zentrum für Rechtswissenschaftliche Grundlagenforschung, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg.
  • February 8, Prof. Francesca Spigarelli participated in the conference Re:ERUA - “Alternative” Excellence and Societal Impact organized by Konstanz University, Germany. The title of her presentation was "Participative and Collaborative Research for Social Innovation. A focus on applied interdisciplinary and intersectoral research."
  • February 7-8, Prof. Lorenzo Compagnucci participated in the conference Research and Engagement for the European Reform University Alliance organized by the University of Konstanz, Germany. The title of his presentation was "Third Mission and Societal Impact."




  • December 10-12, Prof. Chiara Feliziani participated in the Conference on Circular Economy and Corporate Sustainability, presenting a paper titled "Industry and Circular Economy" at the University of Oslo, Oslo.
  • November 28-30, Profs. Angela Cossiri and Giovanni Di Cosimo participated in the 4th International Symposium "Italian Diasporas: Frontiers Between Us and Others. The Right to Migrate as a Human Right. Transits, Experiences, and Imaginaries" held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • October 24-25, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri gave a presentation titled "Le régime juridique des câbles et des pipelines sous-marins" at the "Colloque interdisciplinaire Droit & Océanographie - Les fonds marins : du littoral aux abysses" at the University of Toulon (France).
  • September 22-23, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Der vergessene Münzer: die Entstehung des römischen Prinzipats, delivering a presentation at the international conference "Les dynamiques de pouvoir de la classe dirigeante post-syllanienne: enjeux politiques et religieux," UHA-Mulhouse – University of Strasbourg, MISHA.
  • July 14-16, Prof. Chiara Feliziani participated in the 8th Annual International and Comparative Urban Law Conference, presenting a panel titled "Right to City and Rights in the City (chair)," Urban Law Centre, School of Law, Fordham University (NY - Vancouver).
  • July 7-9, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Ausnahme und Vielfalt in den senatus consulta, delivering a presentation at the international conference "Ausnahme und Vielfalt im römischen Recht," WWU Münster, Käte Hamburger Kolleg.
  • June 20-22, Prof. Chiara Feliziani participated in the 28th International Conference of Europeanists, presenting a paper titled "Climate Change, Environmental Migration, and Democracy: A Law Perspective" (with Dr. Cristiana Lauri) at the Council of European Studies, Columbia University, New York.
  • June 16-17, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri gave a presentation titled "L’impact de l’élévation du niveau de la mer sur la délimitation des zones et frontières maritimes" at the "Colloque à l’occasion des quarante ans de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer," organized by the University of Aix-Marseille, Aix-en-Provence (France).
  • June 1-2, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Caeca sine iurisprudentia historia? Diritto romano e ricerca storica antichistica fra XX e XXI secolo, delivering a presentation at the international conference "Już starożytni Rzymianie... O tym, jak (nie) inspiruje prawo rzymskie ku pamięci Prof. Witolda Wołodkiewicza," University of Warsaw.
  • May 23-25, Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno participated in Sortitio, droit et procès, delivering a presentation at the international conference "Le tirage au sort dans le monde romain antique," Sorbonne Université, Paris.
  • May 23, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri gave a presentation titled "On the legal status of waters off the coast of Western Sahara" at the "Western Sahara Research Group Inaugural Conference," organized both in-person and online by NOVA School of Law, Lisbon (Portugal).



  • On October 22, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri gave a presentation titled "Les routes migratoires à travers la mer Adriatique et la mer Égée : comparaison de deux expériences" at the international conference "Irregular migrations in Europe: a perspective from the sea basins," organized in person and online by Universidade de A Coruña (Spain).
  • On August 27, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri delivered a lecture titled "On the Legal Regime of Occupied Maritime Areas under International Law" at the "19th Brazilian Congress of International Law," organized online by Academia Brasileira de Direito Internacional (ABDI) from August 25 to 28.
  • On May 6, Prof. Marongiu Buonaiuti gave an online presentation on the topic: "Public Policy and Family Law after the two Judgments by the Italian Constitutional Court Nos 32 and 33 of 2021 on Surrogate Motherhood and the Italian Court of Cassation on Adoption by Same-Sex Couples" at the VII Congreso Internacional de Derecho Internacional Privado de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid - "Orden público europeo en derecho de familia" from May 6 to 7.
  • On February 19, a roundtable titled "Democrazia ed emergenza: un campo di tensione" was held at the webinar, with participation from Cristiano PAIXÃO, Juliano ZAIDEN BIENVINDO (Universidade de Brasilia), Giovanni Di Cosimo, and Massimo Meccarelli (Unimc). The event was also covered by local newspapers (go to the article).




  • The professor Andrea Caligiuri, on November 28, 2020, held the conference entitled "THE CHALLENGE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE LAW OF THE SEA: THE CASE OF UNMANNED MARITIME VEHICLES" as part of the "IV Brazilian Congress on the Law of the Sea - Law of the Sea and Transdisciplinarity ", organized online with the support of the following subjects: Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer" (AssIDMer); The Global Network of Societies for International Law (GNSIL); Brazilian Academy of International Law (ABDI); Brazilian Society of International Law (SBDI). The program of the event is at the following link:
  • The prof. Alessio Bartolacelli on November 20, 2020, participated by invitation to the IV Conference Internacional em Pesquisa Parcerias Internacionais na formação de doutores em contabilidade, organized by the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil.
  • The prof. Alessio Bartolacelli on November 12, 2020, participated by invitation to the presentation of the Guia das boas práticas nas PME-Sociedades por Quotas (Good Practice Guide for SMEs Private Limited Liability Companies), organized by the Instituto Jurídico della Faculdade de Direito - Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal.
  • June 4, 2020 - Interdisciplinary webinar (with professors from Frankfurt, Rome, Brescia, Brasilia) Innovation and transition in law: experiences and theoretical configurations - prof. Francesco Gambino presented, in the session on "Semantics", a report entitled "Emerging innovations in the legal system and civil categories".
  • The professor Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti participated in the conference 'Autonomous v. Domestic Concepts in the New York Convention ', held on 2 and 3 March 2020 at New York University - School of Law, as part of the initiatives organized by the relevant Center for Transnational Litigation, Arbitration and Commercial Law. The text of the report presented, entitled 'The Formal Requirements for Enforcing an Arbitral Award under the 1958 New York Convention, between Autonomous Interpretation and References to Domestic Legal Systems', is being published in the volume that collects the proceedings of the conference, at edited by Franco Ferrari and Friedrich Rosenfeld, for the types of Kluwer Law International, Alphen aan den Rijn.
  • The professor Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti was invited to participate, as area contact person, in the Scientific Committee of the Aldricus project, funded by the European Commission as part of the initiatives relating to the implementation of the European Judicial Network and involving the creation of a portal ( ), hosted on the official website of the Ministry of Justice, coordinator of the project, for the exchange of information, notes and comments on issues falling within the scope of judicial cooperation in civil matters.




  • On Decembre 2, 2019 prof. Livia Di Cola participated in the seminar A safeguard jurisdicional dos direitos coletivos no Brasil, na Itália and na União Europeia at Faculdade de Direito in São Paulo, Brazil, with a speech “The new Italian law on the protection of collective interests”.
  • The professor Andrea Caligiuri, on November 29, 2019, held a Conference entitled "The EU and the Arctic Governance: Law and Politics" as part of the China Jus Master organized by the Institute of Law and the Institue of International Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Science of Beijing (China). Event poster.
  • November 7, 2019 - Universidade de Brasilia - prof. Francesco Gambino speaker at the III Symposium of Rhetoric, Argumentation and Jurisdicites: Judiciary, Judges and Legitimation of the Law with a paper entitled "The problem of 'certainty' in the use of contractual good faith".
  • 5 November 2019 Universidade de Brasilia - prof. Francesco Gambino speaker at the round table Innovation and transition in law with a report entitled "Latent innovations in a legal system and civil law categories".
  • 26 September 2019 East China University of Political Science and Law (Shanghai) - prof. Francesco Gambino gave the civil law lesson on the draft of the Book on Tort law in the Chinese Civil Code.
  • 21-22 September 2019 Renmin University of China (Beijing) - prof. Francesco Gambino speaker at the Sino-European Conference on Chinese Civil Code with a paper entitled "Normative control of Environmental Risk in the Chinese Civil Code".
  • The professor Andrea Caligiuri participated on 7 June 2019 at the Colloque de Nice - Villes, migrations et droit international, organized by the Université Côte d’Azur, presenting a report entitled “Le droit d'accès aux ports et accueil des navires de migrants ".
  • Grage project. The elderly at the center of urban solutions. The European project GRAGE *, The elderly at the center of urban solutions, coordinated by the University of Macerata, has discovered and developed urban solutions for elderly-friendly cities. Find out which ones in the article published on CORDIS, the European Commission's online newsletter on research and innovation projects.
  • The professor Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti participated as a speaker at the V Congreso Internacional de Derecho Internacional Privado de la Universidad "Carlos III" de Madrid, held on 25-26 April 2019 on the theme "Gestación subrogada", giving a speech on "Regulación en Italia" in the round table "Derecho comparado", held in the second session of the conference.
  • 19-22 March 2019 University of Brescia - prof. Francesco Gambino speaker at the Europe - Latin America International Congress. Two continents, one right. Unity and specificity of the Latin American legal system with a report entitled "What principles in the sources of obligations?"




  • The professor Andrea Caligiuri participated on November 13, 2018 in the Conference "Navires et pavillons", organized by the Faculté de Droit of the Université de Toulon, presenting a report entitled "Les droits de l'Etat du pavillon sur les épaves des navires de guerre".
  • TG3MARCHE of 5 April 2018, at 7:30 pm, announced the birth of the Third Sector and Civil Economy Observatory at the University of Macerata during the "Economy and cooperation?" organized by professors Eleonora Cutrini and Ninfa Contigiani of the Department of Law and by prof. Stefano Perri of the Department of Economics and Law. There are at least two reasons why economists should welcome the rediscovery of the civil economy in Italy. First of all, the remarkable growth of the third sector in Italy constitutes one of the pieces of a much broader reorganization of the economy and society, in large part still to be deciphered. Furthermore, in this historical moment and after the great crisis, it is necessary to seek new coherences between occupational stability, sociality and well-being. Third sector institutions and businesses can help keep communities cohesive and mitigate inequalities. Alongside the reflections on the paradigm of the civil economy, the day was a training, stimulus and strengthening of the operational capacity of the various organizations of the Third sector present in the area.
  • On March 20, 2018, at 3.00 pm, a round table discussion on "Elderly people in the urban environment: the current state and the transfer of European innovation" was held at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The event was promoted as part of the GARAGE project funded by the European Commission.It saw the participation of researchers from various European universities and representatives of NGOs operating in the sector of assistance for the elderly and the development of urban agriculture. The speakers discussed the theme of sustainable urban development in a multidisciplinary dialogue. Prof. Laura Vagni (UNIMC Department of Law), participated in the round table speaking on the topic: "Socio-economic rights of senior people in urban areas: a European perspective" and presenting the results of a research carried out together with Prof. Erik Longo (UNIMC Department of Law).
  • Prof. Erik Longo gave a lecture at the Doctorate of Law of the Faculty of Law of the University of Seville entitled "La ley precaria. Las transformaciones de la function legislativa en la era de la aceleración".
  • The professor Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti was invited to participate as a speaker at the Italian-German interview on the topic “European Private International Law Running Out of Steam? - Italo-German Perspectives on Future Areas of Harmonization ", held from 12 to 15 February 2018 at the Italian-German Center for European Excellence in Villa Vigoni (Como), as part of the initiatives financed by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) in context of the Deutsch-Italienische Zusammenarbeit in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften - Italian-German Cooperation in the field of Human and Social Sciences.




  • Prof. Andrea Caligiuri took part in the Conference "Frontières et gouvernance maritimes en Méditerranée" held in Toulon (France), organised by the Université de Toulon and by the Marine Nationale on 7th November 2017, reading a paper entitled "Gouvernance des mers et des océans et régionalisme : la gouvernance des mers Adriatique et Ionienne et le rôle de l’Union européenne".
  • Prof. Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti, as member of the Study Group “Cross-Border Insolvency and National Legal Orders” established within the Italian Section of the International Law Association (ILA), took part as a delegate in the Conference “Crisi transfrontaliera di impresa: orizzonti internazionali ed europei”, held in Roma at the LUISS “Guido Carli” – LUISS School of Law, on 3rd and 4th November 2017 in order to describe the results of the research activities carried on by the Study Group.
  • Prof. Fabrizio Marongiu Buonaiuti has been invited to join, in the role of foreign expert, the research team of the project "Reparación de los daños antitrust como mecanismo de protección de la libre competencia - Anti-trust damage reparation as a means of protection for the free competition", submitted by a Consortium of Spanish Universities guided by the Universidad Publica de Navarra within the Programa Estatal de Fomento de la Investigación Cientifica y Técnica de Excelencia, finanziato dal Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad.
  • Prof. Andrea Caligiuri took part in the Conference "Le Conseil de Sécurité des Nations Unies et la Mer" held in Lyon (France), at the Université Lyon 3, on 4th and 5th May 2017, reading a paper entitled "L’influence du Conseil de Sécurité sur la création de mécanismes régionaux de coopération pour la sûreté et de la sécurité maritimes dans le Golfe de Guinée".
  • Prof. Erik Longo took part in the Italian-Spanish Conference "Sostenibilità, ambiente, giustizia sociale. Nuove dimensioni del diritto costituzionale" held at the University of Parma on 7th and 8th April 2017, reading a paper entitled "Beni comuni e risorse naturali nell'Enciclica Laudato sì: ipotesi per una lettura giuridica".




  • On 19 November 2016, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri held, at the Center for International Criminal Law Studies of the Institute of International Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, a seminar entitled: “International and European Cooperation in Fighting International Terrorism”.
  • On 4 November 2016, Prof. Andrea Caligiuri read a paper entitled "La Cour européenne des droit de l’homme et le droit de la mer", within the VI Colloque ordinaire de l'Association internationale du Droit de la Mer (AssIDMer) - Les tribunaux internationaux et l'interpretation de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit de la Mer (Benevento, 3 - 4 November 2016).
  • Prof. Erik Longo took part in the Conference of the ICON-Society entitled “Borders, Otherness and Public Law” held from 17 to 19 June 2016 at the Humboldt University Berlin reading a paper within the panel dedicated to "Migration, Labour Mobility and the Law".
  • Prof. Paolo Palchetti within the International agreement with the CESUSC (Florianopolis, Brazil) held, on 3 May 2016, for Ph.D. students, the Conference: "The case of the Marshall Islands before the International Court of Justice".
  • Prof. Paolo Palchetti within the International agreement with the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Florianopolis, Brazil) held, on 2 May 2016, for Ph.D students, the Conference: "Os 70 anos da Corte Internacional de Justiça".
  • The role of domestic courts in determining customary international law - On 23 March 2016 Prof. Paolo Palchetti held a seminar at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh entitled "The role of domestic courts in determining customary international law".
  • Prof. Paolo Palchetti acted as lawyer of the Marshall Islands in the case: Obligations to negotiate nuclear arms race (Marshall Islands v. India, Pakistan and United Kingdom) brought to the International Court of Justice in The Hague (7-16 March 2016).
  • The role of domestic courts in determining customary international law viewed through the prism of Italian practice - On 18 February 2016 Professor Paolo Palchetti held a seminar at the All Souls College, Oxford University entitled "The role of domestic courts in determining customary international law viewed through the prism of Italian practice".




  • Large-scale Crises: 1929 vs 2008 International Conference - On 19 December 2015 professors Eleonora Cutrini and Giorgio Galeazzi took part as delegates in the International Conference "Large-scale Crises: 1929 vs 2008” at the Dipartimento di scienze economiche e sociali, Università Politecnica delle Marche, within the parallel session “Empirical macroeconomics”.
  • c.MET05 Research-Meeting "Political Economy, International Industry, Industrial Policy” - Prof. Eleonora Cutrini took part in the research meeting "Political Economy, International Industry, Industrial Policy” organised by the Inter-University Centre for Applied Economic Studies on Industrial Policy, Local Development and Internationalization at the Dipartimento di Economia e Management, University of Ferrara on 9 and 10 December 2015.
  • Conference "Energia e Città" - On 12 November 2015 at the Castello del Valentino (Turin) Professors Pamela Lattanzi and Francesca Spigarelli took part, as delegates, in the Conference "Energia e città" organised by the Politecnico of Turin.
  • Workshop on "Chinese Investments in Europe‘s Energy Sector" - On 6 and 7 November 2015 at the "Hertie School of Governance" in Berlin Prof. Francesca Spigarelli took part, as a delegate, in the workshop organised by the Hertie School of Governance together with the London School of Economics and Political Science, and Mercator on "Chinese Investments in Europe‘s Energy Sector".