Scientific Acknowledgments
- Prof. Chiara Feliziani was a Visiting Professor (invited) at the University of Riga for the academic year 2023/2024, teaching the course on International Environmental Law (32 hours).
- Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno received the FAIMOB university award for his teaching and research activities abroad at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (November 2022 - February 2023).
- Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno received the MODOC university award for his teaching and research activities abroad at Universität Tübingen (Spring 2024).
- Prof. Chiara Feliziani was a Visiting Professor (invited) at the Faculty of Law, University of Oviedo - Spain for the academic year 2022/2023.
- Approval of the PicMarc project - From Picenum to Marca. Contribution to the history of the landscape of southern-central Marche in light of ancient legal and gromatical sources and epigraphic documentation, co-financed by the Marche Region with €30,000.00, PI Prof. Pierangelo Buongiorno.
- The European Trust project, "digital TuRn in EUrope: Strengthening relational reliance through Technology", for which the University of Macerata has been awarded a grant under the Horizon 2020 framework program, is the largest program ever implemented by the Union European for research and innovation.
The project, presented by Professor Francesca Spigarelli with the support of the Grant Office, was funded for €998 000 ,00 and will officially start on 1 September 2021.
Trust provides an interdisciplinary research program and will engage academic and non-academic institutions from Italy, Belgium, Spain, France, Israel and China in understanding the mutual influence between trust and digital technologies. This is a much debated and current topic in a historical moment that sees new technologies and artificial intelligence increasingly present within the decision-making processes.
The focus of the Trust project is on blockchain technology as one of the most relevant forms of "Distributed Ledger Technology", ie systems based on a distributed ledger, capable of creating a peer-to-peer economy - a decentralized model, in which people that interact buy or sell goods and services without intermediation based on trust. The research program will investigate the contribution of the blockchain towards a peer-to-peer economy without intermediaries, the applications of blockchain in the field of Artificial Intelligence, the creation of collaborative administration models for smart cities and the development of a regulatory framework. adapted to the effective integration of blockchain technology in Europe.
The academic partners of the project are the Polytechnic University of Marche in Ancona, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), the Universidad Carlos III De Madrid (Spain), the Institut Mines-Telecom (France), Ono Academic College (Israel) and Beijing Normal University (China). The non-academic partners (companies and institutions) are Grottini Lab Srl of Porto Recanati, the Montimage Eurl company (France), Edna Pasher Phd and Associates Management Consultants Ltd (Israel), the Region De Murcia (Spain).
Here the interview of Professor Francesca Spigarelli at Multiradio:
- The Giornale di Storia Costituzionale / Journal of Constitutional History obtains the "Award for periodical publications of high cultural value 2019" awarded by italian ministery MIBACT - General Directorate for Libraries and Copyright, in the Legal Sciences category.
The Prize is awarded every year by a Commission of experts to scientific journals that are recognized in every sector of high cultural value and for the scientific rigor with which the discussion of the topics is carried out.
The Journal of Constitutional History was founded in Macerata in 2001 by Luigi Lacchè and Roberto Martucci, to whom Luca Scuccimarra was later added. For many years, prof. Luigi Lacchè is the 'executive' director, assisted by dr. Antonella Bettoni editor's assistant and by professors Ronald Car, Ninfa Contigiani, Paola Persano and Monica Stronati who form the 'Board of Editors'.
The Macerata editorial team is supported by the International Board which gathers prestigious scholars from European, American and Australian universities: Bruce Ackerman (University of Yale), John Allison (Queens’ College, University of Cambridge), Vida Azimi (CNRS-Cersa, Paris II), Olivier Beaud (Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas), Giovanni Busino (Université de Lausanne), Bartolomé Clavero (Universidad de Sevilla), Francis Delperée (University of Leuven), Alfred Dufour (Université de Genève), Thomas Duve (Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main), Ignacio Fernandéz Sarasola (Universidad de Oviedo), Dieter Grimm (Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin), Jean-Louis Halperin (École normale supérieure, Paris), António Manuel Hespanha (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Martti Koskenniemi (University of Helsinki), Lucien Jaume (CNRS-Cevipof, Paris), Peter L. Lindseth (University of Connecticut), Martin Loughlin (London School of Economics & Political Science), Heinz Mohnhaupt (Max-Planck Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main), Ulrike Müßig (Universität Passau), Peter S. Onuf (University of Virginia), Michel Pertué (Université d’Orléans), Jack Rakove (University of Stanford), Dian Schefold (Universität zu Bremen), Michael Stolleis (Max-Planck-Institut für Europäische Rechtsgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main), Gunther Teubner (Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main), Michel Troper (Université de Paris Ouest-Nanterre-La Défense), H.H. Weiler (New York University), Augusto Zimmermann (Murdoch University).
The Journal of Constitutional History is the only magazine in the world - in paper format - in the field of constitutional history. The recognition reaches the milestone of the first 20 years of life and of the 40 issues of the magazine.
On 17 August, the EACEA (Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture of the European Commission) communicated the results of the selections for the assignment of Jean Monnet Chairs for the three-year period 2020-2023. The Jean Monnet Chairs are teaching positions with a specialization in European integration studies that enjoy specific three-year funding from the European Union.
Funding is granted in order to develop high-profile educational projects that make it possible to deepen the teaching of topics relevant to the development process of the European Union.
The prof. Alessio Bartolacelli, professor of commercial law in the UniMC Department of Law, last February presented his candidacy for a Jean Monnet chair on the topic of the interaction between domestic and European law with reference to sustainable economy (Business Law in the European Union and Sustainable Economy - BLEUSE).
The formulated proposal has a clear inter- and multi-disciplinary connotation, strengthened by the fundamental assumption that it is not possible to talk about sustainability "in watertight compartments", limiting the scientific investigation, and consequently the didactic perspective, to the sectoral boundaries of every matter.
Thanks to the extreme vitality in the context of the different facets of the themes linked to sustainability that characterizes the scientific interests of many of the teachers of the University of Macerata, the proposal saw the involvement, as members of the key teaching staff, in addition to Alessio Bartolacelli, the professors Francesca Spigarelli (applied economics), Pamela Lattanzi (agricultural law), Laura Vagni (comparative private law), Chiara Feliziani (administrative law), Ninfa Contigiani (history of law) and Chiara Bergonzini (constitutional law) of the Law Department and professor Benedetta Giovanola (moral philosophy) of the Department of Political Science and International Relations. The staff are also joined by two prestigious international scholars, active in the field of sustainability applied to corporate and economic law, prof. Janet Dine of Queen Mary - University of London (UK) and prof. Christopher Bruner of the University of Georgia (USA).
The great attention that the University of Macerata has paid to sustainability issues in recent years has also allowed the development of the Jean Monnet Chair project to have further synergy thanks in particular to collaborations with departmental and interdepartmental research centers (in particular the CITeSeC) and with projects already funded by national institutions (Sustainable Innovation Lab), as well as developing within the national excellence project of the Law Department.
The chair is made up, for each of the three years of duration, of three courses held by the Chair Holder in the single-cycle master's degree in Law (MZ commercial law and European Company Law, the latter in English) and in the master's degree in Science Law for Innovation (advanced corporate law and sustainable economy), as well as a cycle of seminars in the doctoral course in Law and Innovation.
In addition to these fundamental activities, the key teaching staff of the chair will take care of the realization of over thirty events - both scientific and informative and open to the population - on different profiles of sustainability in its historical and ethical, as well as legal and economic dimensions.
Already in September and October, the chair will organize the Zero event to present the project, with the presence of the Macerata members of the key teaching staff, and the first doctoral seminars.
Due to the wide-ranging nature of the project, all the academic events of the Chair will be publicized and open to the attendance of all students of the University of Macerata, regardless of the department they belong to. The opening of the activities to all UniMC students aims to be once more the testimony of the attention that UniMC dedicates to innovation in teaching, overcoming the boundaries of individual disciplines as much as possible and useful to students.
The three-year course will end with an international conference, the proceedings of which will be subject to publication. In addition, the Chair will take care of moments of disclosure within the schedule of RUM - Radio University of Macerata.
The one obtained by the BLEUSE project and by prof. Bartolacelli is the first Jean Monnet Chair ever received by the University of Macerata. It will be funded for a total of € 50,000 over the three-year period. For the year 2020, only 70 Jean Monnet Chairs have been funded worldwide, of which 9 in Italy.
Prof. Paolo Palchetti was invited by the Law School, University of Edinburgh to carry on a period of research activity at their premise as a MacCormick Visiting Fellow. The appointment lasted from January to March 2016. The research activity concerned the ascertainment of the general international law by national judges.